に | two

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| kizuna | bond



I SLOWLY BLINKED MY EYES OPEN, feeling groggy and disoriented. As my vision adjusted, I realized I was lying on the ground with my head resting on someone's lap. My eyes met a pair of familiar blue ocean eyes, staring right into mine, as if peering into the depths of my soul.

"Oh, you finally awake," the boy said, his voice warm and welcoming.

My first instinct was to sit up, but the pain that shot through my body made me gasp and shrink back. The boy cautioned me not to move too much, and I could sense genuine concern in his eyes.

"Where am I?" I asked, my voice slightly cold, my guard still up.

"We're in a safer place away from the cursed spirits," he replied calmly. "I had to carry you here after you defeated that spirit."

I glanced around, noticing that this wasn't the place where I had slain the cursed spirit or where my mother and I used to train. The boy had found a secluded spot, away from the lurking danger.

My attention was drawn to the boy himself. His platinum white hair caught my eye, a clear indication that he belonged to the prestigious Gojo clan. But what intrigued me more was the state of his kimono—ripped and dirty, not what I would expect from someone of his lineage.

"Why is your kimono like that?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of my cold demeanor.

He blushed slightly, looking away. "I used it to bandage your injuries. I couldn't find anything else at the moment, and you needed help."

I suddenly noticed the bandages on my arms, forehead, and even my upper legs. Panic surged through me as I realized that he had tended to my wounds, and he had unknowingly touched me while unconscious.

"You touched me there," I stammered, feeling embarrassed by the thought.

He quickly reassured me, "I didn't have a choice. You were bleeding, and I couldn't find anyone else to help. I promise I didn't do anything inappropriate."

I felt a mix of relief and guilt. He had only acted out of necessity, trying to save my life. I mumbled a quiet "Thank you," my pride stinging, but gratitude filling my heart.

As I sat up, the pain jolted through my legs, almost making me lose balance. He caught me before I could fall, and I couldn't help feeling flustered by his close proximity.

"I can manage," I said stubbornly, trying to stand on my own.

He seemed agitated, insisting that it would be easier for him to carry me on his back. Before I could protest further, he crouched down, offering a piggyback ride.

I blushed, feeling embarrassed yet grateful for his help. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to hide my face in his back as we made our way back to the shrine.

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