さんじゅうろく | thirty six

839 33 3

| kizuna | bond


SUZI'S UNEXPECTED WORDS SLICES THROUGH THE CHARGED SILENCE and left Satoru both confused and shocked. "So it's really true that you guys have history together?" her tone carried a hint of taunting, as if she were reveling in his discomfort.

"Yuri Hiyoku...." she revealed.

Satoru felt a mixture of emotions swirling inside him, his past and present colliding in a tumultuous mess. He struggled to respond, caught off guard by Suzi's probing question. As he hesitated, Suzi continued, her words now laced with a taunting edge.

"I knew there was more to you than met the eye," Suzi teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "You've been holding out on me, Satoru."

Satoru's dislike for Suzi was growing by the second, fueled by the way she seemed to take pleasure in his discomfort. The memories of his history with Yuri, a person who had left an indelible mark on his heart, were resurfacing in a way that he hadn't expected. The emotions were raw, and the situation was rapidly turning into a maze of tangled feelings.

With a sense of disdain, Satoru replied, "Yes, it's true. We have history. A history that's none of your fucking business."

Suzi's face contorted with a mix of frustration and amusement, and her words held a touch of mockery. "Oh, but it's such an intriguing history," she teased, her voice laced with taunting inflection. "I wonder, will you ever truly move on from her?"

Satoru's patience had worn thin, and he responded curtly, "That's none of your concern. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'm done here."

Satoru, his resolve firm to leave the tumultuous encounter with Suzi behind, turned to her and spoke with a finality, "Forget about everything that just happened," he took a step away, ready to put the club and the night's events behind him.

But just as he was about to turn away and put distance between himself and Suzi, her voice once again pierced the air, causing his heart to skip a beat. She unveiled a taunting and unsettling statement, one that made his blood run cold.

"Well, you'd better hurry up," she remarked with an unsettling grin, "unless you want her head to be the only thing you'll see."

Satoru felt a chill crawl down his spine as her words hung in the air. It was a macabre twist, a threat veiled in a taunt, and it left him feeling unsettled and disconcerted. He stared at Suzi, his eyes reflecting a mix of confusion, concern, and a growing sense of unease.

Confusion etched deep lines across Satoru's brow as he stared at Suzi. "What do you mean?" he demanded, his voice tinged with frustration and an undercurrent of concern.

Suzi, appearing surprised and amused by his bewilderment, chuckled softly. "Oh, you still don't know?" she replied coyly.

Satoru's patience wore thin, and he lashed out, his voice now tinged with anger and confusion. "Don't know what?" he demanded, his gaze sharp and penetrating. "And who are you? Why do you know all these personal things about me?"

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