さん | three

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| kizuna | bond



AS THE SUN BEGAN ITS DESCENT, painting the sky with hues of yellowish orange, the world seemed to be caught in a bittersweet embrace. The beauty of the sunset cast a warm glow over everything, from the towering trees to the shimmering streams that adorned the landscape. Yet, beneath the stunning facade, the world held its own secrets, its own tales of struggle and hardship.

"The holder of the Limitless and the Six Eyes," I said, my voice tinged with wonder, as if trying to capture the ethereal beauty of the sky in words.

Satoru glanced up, the colors of the sunset reflecting in his ocean-blue eyes. "Ah, so you've heard of that," he replied, his voice soft and contemplative. "The Limitless and the Six Eyes... they hold immense power and mystery," Satoru chuckled lightly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So you've heard of that, and yet you don't know my name."

"I may not know your name, but I do know that after you were born, the balance of power shifted." I said, my voice sincere. "It's quite fascinating."

As we walked, the sky seemed to change its colors, transitioning to deeper shades of red and purple. It was as if the world was experiencing a transformation, much like the stories that intertwined in the Jujutsu Sorcery world.

"My grandmother told me about the Limitless," I said, my voice carrying a touch of nostalgia. "She spoke of its boundless potential, the ability to manipulate time and space. It sounded like something out of a dream."

Satoru nodded, his eyes fixed on the ever-changing sky. "The Limitless is a formidable power," he replied. "But with great power comes great responsibility. It's not something to be taken lightly."

As we continued our conversation, the sky darkened, the stars starting to twinkle in the deep blue canvas. It was as if the world was trying to remind us of the balance between light and darkness, beauty and cruelty.

"You were targeted by bounty hunters," I said, my voice softening as I recalled the stories I had heard. "It must be tough, being alone out here."

Satoru chuckled, his laughter mingling with the gentle rustling of leaves in the evening breeze. "Tough, maybe," he replied. "But it's also liberating. I get to wander and explore, free from the constraints of a settled life. Bounty hunters come and go, but they never catch me."

I gazed at the sky, the stars shining like a thousand tiny beacons in the vast expanse. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always light to guide the way.

"Aren't you the same?" he continued, his voice carrying a sense of understanding. "You possess the blood of the royal family, a power that is both coveted and feared. It's not an easy burden to carry."

His words struck a chord, and I suddenly felt a wave of silence wash over me. Satoru had unknowingly hit upon a sensitive topic—the dormant power within me, the power I had yet to fully awaken.

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