にじゅうろく | twenty six

979 36 5

| kizuna | bond




TOJI AND I HAVE NAVIGATED OUR WAY THROUGH THE PULSATING HEART OF TOKYO'S NIGHTLIFE, stepping into a club that seemed to exist in a world of its own. The atmosphere was electric, charged with energy, and the sensory assault began the moment we crossed the threshold.

Inside the club, darkness enveloped us, broken only by the frenetic flashes of laser lights and the pulsating beams of neon. The thumping bass of the music pounded through my chest, reverberating in my bones. It was an assault on the senses, a cacophony of sound and light that threatened to overwhelm.

The air was heavy with the mingling scents of alcohol, sweat, and the sweet haze of forbidden indulgence. People swayed and gyrated to the relentless beat, lost in the rhythm of the night. Bodies pressed together, and the atmosphere was charged with a raw, primal energy.

I trailed behind Toji, my senses on high alert. I scanned the crowd, feeling for any potential threats or hidden dangers. The club was a breeding ground for trouble, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down.

As I moved through the crowd, I couldn't help but notice the lecherous gazes that followed me. Men's eyes lingered on me, their intentions clear and sinister. It disgusted me to the core, their vile desires laid bare in their leering expressions.

"Fucking disgusting bastards," I murmured under my breath, unable to contain my revulsion. I kept my gaze forward, determined to ignore their unwanted attention, but the feeling of being preyed upon lingered like a stain on my skin.

The club's chaotic atmosphere continued as Toji and I made our way through the throngs of people. As we moved, I couldn't help but notice the lingering gazes of women who eyed Toji with hunger in their eyes. He was the kind of man many desired, and their attention only served to confirm that fact.

Toji led the way, and I followed in silence. It had been that way ever since the incident in the kitchen. I hadn't spoken a word to him, not even a hint of acknowledgment. The chasm between us had grown wider, and the bitterness that had taken root in my heart showed no signs of abating.

As we ascended the stairs toward the VIP lounge, Toji cast a sidelong glance at me. I saw the furrow in his brow, the subtle narrowing of his eyes as he observed my unwavering focus on the potential threats around us. He didn't like this side of me, the side that remained vigilant and detached, and it was clear in his gaze.

But I couldn't bring myself to care about his discomfort. I had made a choice, one that involved accepting his proposal, but it didn't mean I had to let my guard down or forget the pain he had caused. The wounds were still fresh, the scars still raw.

The VIP lounge awaited us, a world of opulence and extravagance reserved for the wealthy elite, a world apart from the chaotic dance floor below. Men in tailored suits, their faces masked with an air of arrogance, mingled with women who exuded an aura of wealth and entitlement. These were the elite, the rich and powerful, the CEOs of companies, and the faces of fame.

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