にじゅうさん | twenty three

986 41 1

| kizuna | bond



THE SMALL, TRADITIONAL HOUSE NESTLED WITHIN THE DENSE FORESTS OF NIKKO CITY seemed like a world away from civilization. The old wooden beams creaked with age, and the tatami mats bore the scars of countless footsteps. It was a place of solitude, a sanctuary in the midst of nature's embrace.

The only sound to pierce the silence was the gentle hum of a kettle coming to a boil. I took the kettle and carefully poured the steaming water into a teacup. My movements were precise, efficient, and carried no trace of emotion.

I placed the steaming cup on a tray and silently walked over to the man seated at the other end of the dining table. Toji sat comfortably, his legs crossed, and a faint, almost imperceptible hint of amusement played on his lips.

I watched him with a detached gaze, devoid of any warmth or emotion. I knew why he had come, and it wasn't for a friendly visit. He sipped the green tea I had served, a rare compliment escaping his lips. "Not a fan of tea, but this one's decent. Soothes the nerves."

I didn't respond to his comment with pleasantries. Instead, I cut through the facade with venom in my voice. "Cut the crap. You needed money, right?"

Toji's laughter echoed through the quiet house, a jarring contrast to the serenity of the forest outside. I remained stoic, my eyes locked onto his as if daring him to defy my expectations. He was unpredictable, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not with him.

The man's laughter eventually subsided, and he wiped a nonexistent tear from the corner of his eye. His grin persisted as he regarded me with amusement. "Do you really think of me as that broke, my lady? You're so harsh, way too harsh on this old man."

His words were laced with irony, a biting edge that reminded me of the dangerous game we were playing. The tension between us was palpable, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not for a second.

I stared at Toji, my brows furrowing in surprise and suspicion. "How do you even know where to find me?" I asked, my voice edged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

He leaned back, his eyes never leaving mine, and replied casually, "I have my own ways, my lady," his response only deepened my unease. Toji had always been cryptic, but now his enigmatic demeanor sent shivers down my spine.

I leaned forward, my expression unwavering. "Toji, you've always been unpredictable. Money, debts, they don't mean anything to you. But I know what you value."

Toji leaned back, his grin never wavering. "And what's that, my lady?"

I met his gaze head-on, my voice like steel. "Chaos. You value chaos above all else, and you'll do anything to create it."

The room fell silent once more, and our unspoken understanding hung heavy in the air. The reunion between a cursed sorcerer and her once-mentor was far from ordinary, and I couldn't help but wonder what twisted path it would lead us down.

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