よんじゅうご | forty five

286 19 2

| kizuna | bond



I STORMED INTO THE SECLUDED GARDEN within the Gojo compound, my emotions churning like a storm. The sun was setting, casting long shadows over the ancient stone paths that wound through the carefully tended greenery. This area was sacred, a place where only family members were allowed, and at its heart lay the tomb of our mother. The serene beauty of the place did little to calm my raging thoughts.

"I can't believe those two! What are they thinking?" I burst out, my voice echoing in the stillness. My pacing quickened, my footsteps crunching against the gravel. "Ugh, it makes my blood boil! Can't they just think rationally for once?"

I stopped in front of the tomb, the engraved stone cool and silent. The memories of my mother flooded my mind, her gentle smile, her calming presence. I sighed heavily, my shoulders slumping.

"What was Father thinking?" I muttered, my anger reigniting. "To say such things to his own son! Threatening to disown Satoru, to never let him set foot in this house again, all because he wanted to save the Princess? How could he?"

I clenched my fists, my frustration boiling over. "And don't get me started on Satoru! That ridiculous, mop-headed dork! He didn't even hesitate to choose the Princess. He's putting himself at risk again, as if he hasn't already done enough of that!"

I sank to my knees in front of the tomb, the weight of everything crashing down on me. "Mom, I feel so useless. Maybe Satoru was right. Maybe that's why you left me in charge, to take care of those two. But look at them! They're both so stubborn, so infuriating. No wonder people say they're truly father and son."

I could almost hear her voice, soft and reassuring, telling me to be patient, to understand. But it was so hard. The Gojo clan was on the brink of a major crisis, and my family was at the heart of it.

"I just want them to see reason," I whispered, my voice breaking. "To understand that their actions have consequences, that this isn't just about power or pride. It's about our future, our survival."

I wiped a tear from my cheek, taking a deep breath. "Satoru doesn't understand what he's risking. And Father... he's too blinded by tradition and duty to see the bigger picture. How am I supposed to manage this? How am I supposed to keep our family together when they're both pulling us apart?"

The garden was quiet, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. I would not let our family fall apart. I would find a way to bring them together, to make them see that we needed to act with both strength and wisdom.

"They're both under so much stress," I said aloud, trying to rationalize my father's and Satoru's actions. "Their emotions are out of control, and they're letting their tempers get the best of them."

If I want to save them both, and save our clan from the brink of war, I need to be ready. The other clans are watching, waiting for any sign of weakness. If Satoru and Father don't handle this meeting properly, it could spell disaster for all of us.

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