さんじゅうし | thirty four

811 26 3

| kizuna | bond


THE NEWS OF YURI'S RETURN AND THE GRUESOME EVENTS THAT UNFOLDED SPREAD LIKE A WILDFIRE THROUGHOUT THE JUJUTSU WORLD. It was a shockwave that rippled through every corner of the sorcerer society. The tales of her brutal rampage, especially targeting the Zenin clan, left the community divided.

Some were astonished that a member of the Hiyoku clan, known for their poise and elegance, could commit such heinous acts. They struggled to reconcile this with the image of the Hiyoku they had known for generations.

Others, however, were furious, nodding in agreement with the charges of treason levied against her by her own father. The very nature of her actions ignited debates and discussions in every corner of the Jujutsu community, sowing seeds of doubt and curiosity.

The news ignited debates, discussions, and disputes among the Jujutsu sorcerers, shattering the illusion of unity. It was a defining moment that would leave a lasting impact on the world they inhabited.

- - -

The Lord of the Gojo clan sat in his opulent chamber, the news scroll spread open before him. His face bore a mixture of weariness and concern as he read through the unsettling reports. With a deep sigh, he gently placed the scroll down on the lacquered table beside him and reached for his cup of green tea. The butler, a stalwart figure in traditional attire, stood attentively nearby, ready to serve.

"That's the news as of now, My Lord," the butler spoke in a measured tone, choosing his words carefully. "The princess has indeed committed a massacre, and the news of it has spread like wildfire throughout the Jujutsu world."

The Lord of the Gojo clan nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the scroll even as he took a slow sip of tea. The situation was dire, and it weighed heavily on his mind. "It couldn't be helped," he murmured, more to himself than anyone else. The complexities of the situation were beyond the control of any single individual.

The Lord of the Gojo clan looked at his loyal butler with a sense of gravity in his eyes. He inquired softly, "Does he already know?"

The butler, ever perceptive to his master's unspoken concerns, nodded solemnly and replied, "No, my lord. Satoru-sama, as far as I know, still has no knowledge about this."

The father of Satoru leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming lightly on the table's edge. He spoke with a tinge of regret, "If the news were to reach him, I know he would barge in here and beg me to do something about it."

Sensing the weight of the situation, the butler cautiously asked, "Should I not let him know about the news, my lord?"

The Lord of the Gojo clan sighed deeply, knowing the repercussions of revealing such unsettling information to his son. "Do what's best," he advised, his voice tinged with concern. "Don't let him come to know this. He should focus on learning his jujutsu. That boy is as stubborn as hell."

With a firm nod, the butler acknowledged his instructions. "I understand, my lord," he said, determined to shield Satoru from the turmoil that had gripped the Jujutsu world, at least for the time being.

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