にじゅうはち | twenty eight

904 31 11

| kizuna | bond



I MOVED SWIFTLY, the weight of Yuri in my arms feeling lighter than the burden of responsibility that weighed upon my shoulders. My gaze darted around the old, decrepit factory, scanning for any signs of imminent danger. I couldn't afford to engage in combat, not with Yuri injured as she was. Her ability to heal herself was limited, and I had to ensure her safety above all else.

Finding a secluded corner, I gently placed her down against the rusted wall. Even as I did, my heart raced. If I hadn't acted quickly, if I hadn't shielded her from that cursed blade, Yuri would be in serious danger. The thought sent a chill down my spine, and my gaze bore into the darkness, ready to face whatever threat might emerge.

Yuri's voice broke the tense silence, her words carrying a sense of urgency. "His cursed technique is metal manipulation, isn't it?" she started. "Toji, w-we need to go back. We have to keep fighting!"

I couldn't hold back any longer. My agitation and worry burst forth like a dam breaking. "Are you fucking out of your mind?" I exclaimed, my voice filled with frustration. Yuri looked taken aback by my sudden outburst, but I couldn't stop myself. I continued, my words laced with concern and anger, "You could've summoned your sword, you could've done something! But instead, you were just sitting there, waiting for that blade to touch you. You almost got yourself in danger!"

My agitation was evident now, my facade of cold indifference crumbling in the face of the fear that gripped my heart. Losing Yuri, the mere thought of it, was like a crushing weight in my chest. I couldn't bear the idea of losing someone again.

Not after all I had been through.

- - -


His words hung in the air like a heavy cloud, and I couldn't find the words to respond. I glanced down at my arms, bloodied and injured, the evidence of my recklessness. The scent of my own blood lingered in the air, a dangerous beacon for myself.

I knew I had made a grave mistake, and Toji's anger was justified. But I couldn't fathom the depth of his agitation. It left me feeling confused, unable to comprehend his emotions in this moment of crisis. My silence spoke volumes, an acknowledgment of my error and an admission of my inability to understand his reaction.

Toji's words hung heavy in the air, his frustration still evident. "Yuri, you should leave," he said firmly, his voice laced with genuine concern. "You're not in a state to fight, especially with your injuries and the scent of your blood lingering around."

His words, although well-intentioned, pierced through me like a blade. I felt anger surge within me, misunderstood and frustrated. "You think I'm useless?" I retorted angrily, my voice quivering with a mix of emotions. The idea of being seen as a liability stung, and I couldn't bear the thought that Toji might think less of me in this crucial moment.

Toji's confusion was plain on his face as he tried to clarify, "No, Yuri, that's not what I meant. I just—"

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