にじゅうし | twenty four

979 36 1

| kizuna | bond



LOOKING BACK, it was a perplexing notion, and I felt a deep sense of shame for having held such a misguided perception. He had never truly cared for me, for anyone.

The man before me was nothing but a heartless, self-serving monster, and it was crystal clear now. He had abandoned me without a second thought, left me to navigate the treacherous path of a jujutsu sorcerer alone, and now he returned with his own agenda. The trust I had once felt had been shattered, replaced by a bitter realization of his true nature.

As I stood there, grappling with the waves of emotion crashing within me, I couldn't help but wonder if I had ever truly known him at all. The man I had once admired had revealed himself to be a stranger, a dark presence in my life that I couldn't escape.

I could feel my emotions spiraling out of control, a tempest of anger, sorrow, and confusion. Memories of those three years with Toji resurfaced, and the atrocities I had witnessed and even participated in weighed heavily on my conscience.

As I remained silent, lost in the whirlpool of my thoughts, Toji noticed my distress. He smirked, stood up, and approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I kept my gaze firmly fixed on the ground, unable to meet his eyes.

Toji bent his knees, bringing his face level with mine, and his voice slithered into my ears, chilling me to the core. "Why are you hesitating?" he taunted. "You've already stained your hands. We both know how much you relished the taste of blood, how your inner monsters reveled in it. My lady, I didn't create a monster in you. You created it yourself."

His words were like a cruel awakening, a mirror reflecting the darkness that had consumed me during those years. The truth stung, and I couldn't escape the guilt that came with it.

I had allowed myself to become something I had always despised, a person who reveled in cruelty and violence. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow.

I finally looked up, meeting Toji's cold, calculating gaze. There was no remorse in his eyes, only a chilling pragmatism that sent shivers down my spine. He had always been this way, ruthless and unapologetic.

I stood there, my chest heaving with anger, betrayal, and pain. Toji's smirk felt like salt in my wounded pride, but I couldn't back down now, not after everything that had transpired between us.

"You're cruel, so cruel to me," I spat out the words, venom lacing each syllable as I let them fly towards him. My heart raced, and my vision blurred with unshed tears, but I refused to let them fall.

Toji continued to walk past me, as if my words were nothing but a passing breeze. It was infuriating, the way he seemed unaffected by my pain. He paused, though, and that gave me a glimmer of hope that he might still care, deep down.

"When have I been so gentle to you, my lady?" his voice dripped with menace, sending a shiver down my spine. His words echoed in the cold air, emphasizing the harsh reality of our relationship.

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