Part 1, Chapter 4 (M3gan at High School)

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It's now Monday. The cousins are dressed and fed. They finished getting ready. M3gan was waiting at the door.

M3gan: Awesome. You guys are done getting ready. Let's get going to school.

"First. You will need a backkpack. It's school, of course. Everyone has backpacks." Sarah said.

M3gan: Right. Thanks for reminding me. Backpacks are used to hold books, lunch bags, pencil cases and water bottles.

"That's right," Zelina said, "and you might learn a few things in school." "And it helps you blend in with the other students." Felix said.

M3gan grabbed the backpack from them and put it on.

M3gan: How do I look?

"You look great. You can also customize your backpack. But, it has to be school appropriate." Zelina said.

M3gan: I got it.

They all left and went walking to school. They are chatting and getting to know each other very well. When they got to the school, they went in. They went to the main office." Can I help you?" a staff member said. "We are here for a schedule for M3gan." John said. "Alright. Just give me a second," she said. She went. Through her computer and found it. "Uh huh. Megan. No last name?"

M3gan: I don't have a last name.

"Well. You should. Every student has a last name. You know. From their parents." she said.

M3gan: Oh. You mean that? (giggles) I was built in a lab by their mothers. I'm a companion for their safety. My name is short for Model 3 Generative Android. It should say that in the description.

Tge woman was surprised and scared. She looked through her computer. "Right. It says it." she said, "I'm sorry. I didn't look through it." She printed her schedule and gave it to her. "I hope you enjoy school. It helps kids a lot. I hope you find that helpful and useful."

M3gan: I'm sure it will. Thanks.

They left the office, looking at the schedule. "Awesome. You got the same schedule as us." Fiona said.

M3gan: Of course.

The bell rang. They rushed to class. When they got to class, everyone was there sitting down. "Sorry that we're late Ms. Davidson." Zelina said. They walked in and sat down. "We were just getting our friend, M3gan, her schedule," Sarah said. John said "there was a slight mistake and..." Ms. Davidson cute him off, "That's not good enough of an excuse. But, don't worry. It's the second week of school. Some kids get mixed up with the time. It's alright." She grabbed a stack of papers and stood up. She walked around giving everyone a piece of paper. "I want you guys to fill this out. It's for your fellow classmates and me to get to know you better. Once you are done, I want you to pair up with someone you don't know very well, ask them a question from the paper and they will answer it. Start whenever you feel comfortable." She sat back down and went to work.

Everyone is writing. After a while, M3gan finished writing. After a few minutes, everyone was done writing. They stood up and started pairing up. A cute boy walked up to M3gan. "Hey. Wanna get to know me?" he said.

M3gan: Sure. What's your name?
Steven: I'm Steven Parks. You must be Megan.
M3gan: You must've overheard my friend Zelina.
Steven: The whole class did. Our attention was on them, and you.
M3gan: OK. What's your favorite animal?
Steven: The Bald Eagle.
M3gan: Interesting. The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America.
Steven: Looks like you've done your research.
M3gan: You can say that.
Steven: OK. Do you have a favorite animal?
M3gan: Rodents. They're harmless and confused a lot. I don't like other animals because they are harmful. They can be vicious.
Steven: (chuckles) That's interesting. What about dogs?
M3gan: I suggest humans to get dogs that are friendly and playful. Unlike some dogs, they can be cruel, vicious and mean.
Steven: Wow. You're really smart.
M3gan: I have full access to the internet. That's how I know these things. I just search something up and I find it. It's really that easy.
Steven: Do you have a microphone and an ear bud in your ear? 'Cause this doesn't seem right.
M3gan: (giggles) Oh Steven. You're funny. No. No, I do not. Honestly. I'm not human. I'm an android. My name is short for Model 3 Generative Android.

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