Part 6, Chapter 15 (Getting Back)(Part 2)

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Everyone looked around and found Delilah, Adrien, Andrew, Daniel, Jamie, Cassandra, Ken, Naomi, Jasmine, Kimmy and Zach dead. Along with a M3gan copy.

Sarah: She must've enjoyed this.
Amie: Of course she did. It looks like you guys have to move. And, no one should see this. We need to clean up.
John: Amie's right. We need to hide the evidence.
Amie: There is no time for a funeral for 11 people and an Android. That takes a lot of hard work and I don't want to deal with it.
Sarah: That's dark Amie. Dark.
Amie: Your other siblings and parents are on their way. They will freak out.
Fiona: Relax.

After a while. They came and saw everything. They were freaking out. After a while. They calmed down.
James: What the hell happened!?
Candy: This is really creepy!
Amie: It was Sally.
Everyone: What?

Amie told them everything. They all stood back and she made everything disappearing by striking them with an electricity shot. They all disappeared.

Amie: I suggest you move.
Ilene: Why?
Amie: Now the androids know where you live. You can't stay here. You're in danger. You're targeted. Sally killed everyone in her sight. Just wait for Naomi. She would stab you everywhere and bury you. Do you want that choice?
Amelia: Why would they be after us?
Amie: They are after me. They are after you because you're related to my friends. And, yet. She's going to be at Kelly's Wedding. The next time she'll show up is my graduation ceremony and party.
Nina: Wow.
Amie: Yeah. You can stay at my house and my neighbors until you get a new house.
Ilene: That's a good idea.
Amelia: OK. Thanks Amie.
Amie: You guys can pack your stuff. I'll stay here and wait.

They all went up stairs. M3gan walked over to Amie

M3gan: You OK?
Amie: I'm OK. I'm just worried. I put the family in danger.
M3gan: It's not your fault.
Amie: We both know I caused this. You're just saying that to make me feel better.
M3gan: You know a lot about human grammar and personalities.
Amie: We both do. I learn stuff from experience and growing. And you learn from the internet. We have very much in common.

M3gan smiled. Everyone came downstairs they didn't notice.

M3gan: You are a very fun person to hang out with, Amie.
Amie: Thanks. I feel the same with you. The one thing I like most about you. Is that you're different from the other androids. You're the opposite. You want to help and protect.

She smiled happily.

Amie: But, I still need to know if their moms found the blueprints or got them from someone else. 'Cause I know that Sophie Robinson created them.
Ilene: Why are you asking about the Blueprints of M3gan?

Amie turned around.

Amie: M3gan was created recently. The androids were created years ago. I know you got the blueprints from someone. Just admit it.

Nina: That's none of your business.
"It is my business!" Amie demanded.
Amie: 'Cause I know you did not create the blueprints! Every single Android looks 100% like M3gan, except for the clothes and personality.  Just admit it!

After a while.

Ilene: We didn't do anything. We just found them at work. You're just an Android and your 15 years old.
Bailey: You won't even understand.
Amie: Excuse me? Please tell me you did not just say that. You're the ones that don't understand. You are fetal people! You get to stay in our neighbors house. You are not my parents or my creators. You don't get to boss me around like I'm one of your kids. 'Cause I'm not. I'm an Android. A high tech advanced Android. I'm not very high tech like my new sister. She will grow up to be a great Person slash Android. So, stay out of my way. OK? OK.

She left. Later. At her house. Everyone is there.
Cassandra: What happened?
Amie: Sally killed 8 kids, three parents and a M3gan copy. The Android now know where their previous house was. I suggested they stay with us until they get a new house. Are you OK with that?
Cassandra: Sure. Your friends can be in your room. The other kids can go in the guest room. I see you brought two M3gans.
M3gan: They are copies.

The two copies waved at them and smiled.

Amie: I will get back at all of the Androids.

They all got into the rooms to get settled. In Amie's room. Everyone is getting settled.

Amie: Don't mind the little mess. I am a tidy mess person.
Fiona: We can tell.
John: There's posters and decorations.
Felix: And a Bulletin board with a lot of faces of M3gan. Two are crossed off  and one has a question mark.
Amie: That's my target board. Those are the androids that are after me.
M3gan: Not gonna lie. It's pretty disturbing. Amie. How many are there?
Amie: Like. A lot. I have no idea how many. Jessica and Amy are searching to me. I destroyed Ruby and Kylee. And, you don't need to worry about intruders and strangers. This is a safe and secure house. Your other siblings will be with my sister and your parents will be the guest room. Ugh. I wish they would go to the neighbors.
Fiona: Why?
Amie: They have a husky golden retriever mix and a beagle pug mix. They are amazing dogs. They will jump on you just for attention and love. Zoey and Jackie. They are so cute. Zoey is pregnant.
Sarah: What? Your neighbor is going to have puppies?
Amie: Yes. She's giving birth next month. I can't wait. We are great friends with our neighbors. But, there is one neighbor that bugs all of us.
M3gan: And who is that?
Amie: Gabriel Hudson, his best friend, Cameron Jacobs and his dog, Sam. He is a French Bulldog. He's cute but vicious. You do not want to be near them. They are crazy when they are together. Trust me. It ain't worth it. They are insane.
Sarah: Girl. How could we doubt you in that tone?
Fiona: You are convincing enough.
Amie: I have that affect on people. Trust me. It will be interesting living with us for a while. We do things that you can't even understand.
Sarah: Like what?
Amie: You would have to stick around and watch if you wanna know girl.
John: This is insane. There are a lot of girls.
Felix: Yeah. How can we live?
Amie: You could try to ignore us.
John: Nah. We're good.
Amie: OK. Who wants to make homemade donuts and milkshakes?
Cousons: I do!
Amie: OK. Let's go.

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