Part 3, Chapter 8 (The New Android)

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The next day at school. Everyone is in class. Amie is in the same class as the cousins.

Mr. Jacobs: Welcome to class students. It looks like we have a new student. What's your name miss?
M3gan: Hi. I'm M3gan.
Mr. Jacobs: And your last name?
M3gan: I don't have one.
Mr. Jacobs: One second.

He looked through his computer. After a while.

Mr. Jacobs: Oh. I'm sorry that I asked. I'll be sure that I'll remember. Do you want to tell Tha class a little about yourself?
M3gan: Sure. Why not?

She stood up.

M3gan: Hi. I'm M3gan. Model 3 Generative Android. I am designed to protect my primary user. Or in this case, family. I was built by a group of mom's to protect their kids physically and emotionally. Since there is no fighting allowed. I will be around to prevent any physical fights from happening.
Mr. Jacobs: Thanks M3gan.

She sat back down.

Mr Jacobs: That would be very useful. There was a fight recently last week. A kid ripped off half of another kids forearm, and it grew back.
M3gan: Oh my god. Fiona, were you OK?
Fiona: Yeah. My cousins were there to help me calm down so it would heal properly.
M3gan: How did you find out about this Mr. Jacobs?
Mr. Jacobs: There was chatter in the teachers lounge around lunch the next day. Do you know who did it Fiona?
Fiona: Kyle Reed. He was dumb enough to come up with that stupid idea.
Mr. Jacobs: Let the adults deal with this. Thanks for telling me.
Fiona: Yeah. Thanks for listening.
Mr. Jacobs: Anytime. OK.

They went through the importance of math and how math is used in life. After class, the bell rang. They went to their next class. They are going over how life is made and what it does. After class, the bell rang. Everyone went to lunch. The cousins sat down at their usual table. They are chatting.

Fiona: It's like Amie has the same exact schedule as us.
Sarah: She's an android. Besides. We did see her in all of our classes on the first day. So...
John: She's an interesting person.
Zelina: She is.

After a while, Amie cam with a tray of food and two drinks.

Amie: Hi. Can I join you guys?
M3gan: Are you sure you want to? They can be pretty intense and stress your mind.
Amie: I can manage. Besides. My parents suggest that I have lunch with my friends. They said it's good to hang around your friends and get to know them.
M3gan: That's right.
Felix: You can join us whenever you like.

She smiled and sat down across from M3gan was sitting.

Sarah: Ooooo. What do you have?
Amie: Spaghetti. It's my favorite pasta. There was a meatball option, so I just skipped it. I hate meatballs.
M3gan: Why do you not like meatballs? They're nutritious.
Amie: I'm aware of that. It's just. I don't like the way they taste. I used to like everything when I was a little kid. Now I'm picky. My taste buds changed.
M3gan: That's usually the other way around.
Amie: Well. Not for me.
M3gan: That's a bummer.
Amie: Well. My parents want me to eat healthier. And I am. Whenever I'm tired, exhausted and/or not so well. I just eat whatever my stomach wants. In general, I just eat treats and/or something delicious.
Sarah: You're very talkative.
Amie: Thanks. It's a trait I have. Man. My strongest food weakness is treats. I can't help it. It's delicious. My parents buy vegetables, fruit, bread, meat and cheese. My second strongest food weakness is watermelon. It's so good. I will eat a quarter of it in one day. Maybe even half.
M3gan: That's good. Having a weakness on fruit is a good weakness.
Amie: So. You're an AI?
M3gan: Yes.
Amie: I'm jealous. I wasn't built with AI. I was built with a brain. An actual brain. You wanna see?
Cousins: No.
M3gan: I kind of do.
Amie: Maybe after school.

Dana walked over.

Dana: Amie. Mom and dad told me to find you and get some information and help.
Amie: What's up?
Dana: They are having trouble with building the torso.
Amie: You can do it. Just tell them to have a 5 minute break. After that. They can build the stomach and the lungs. You can build the other organs. If they get too disgusted. They can to the hands and feet. If they want a break. Give them a 10 minute break. Got that?

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