Part 9, Chapter 22 (Family History)

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At the house. Construction workers are there. Amie and Dana are there.
Nigel: Hi girls. What's up?
Amie: I'm sorry to disturb you. But, there's something in the house that belongs to us.
Nigel: What is it?
Amie: A safe. It's in the attic.
Nigel: We were just taking things out of the house. We found a safe in the attic. It's right by the mail box.
Amie: Thanks.
Nigel: You're Welcome.
They rushed to the mail box and found a safe. Amie put in the code, 1134H7N9D6Z7V3B2M99A0R4T3JL6C471FR5J8N5V6C8D002IB6F5DG, and opened the safe. There are many things inside.
Amie: Dana. Can you find a box about this size?
Dana: Yeah.
She walked away. Amie kept an eye on the atuff in the safe. After a while. Dana came back with a box. They put everything inside. Amie left a note saying 'Too late. You'll never find what you're looking for' inside the safe and closed it. She wrote the code on the side of the safe.
Dana: What were you doing?
Amie: It's a trick. Let's go home.
They left.

Back at home. They came inside.
M3gan: What were you guys doing?
Amie: One, I'm sorry for accusing you peoplefor a dumb reason. Two, I know everything now. And three, we're about to learn about our history.
They walked over and put the box down. They got everything out of the box and put them on the table.
Cassandra: What is all of this stuff?
Kyle: Where did they come from?
Amie: Obviously, they belong to our mom and dad. Our Creators. Arnold Benson and Teresa Thret Benson.
Kyle: Cool.
Amie grabbed four mini statues that look like people.
Amie: These are our grandparents.
Dana: Wow. That's our mom's side and that's our dad's side.
Amie: Yeah.
Micayla: I never got to see our grandparents.
Amie: That's because they died a long time ago. Mom's parents died in a car accident when she was a teenager and dad's parents died when he was 27 years old. They were Struck by lightning.
Micayla: Oof.
Amie put them down.
Amie: I know. It's so sad. But there are picture albums with pictures of them.
Micayla: Awesome!
Amie grabbed two wallets. She opened them both.
Amie: Oh my god, these are their old wallets. The Silver one is mom's and the black leather one is dad's.
Dana: So pretty.
Amie looked at the Silver one and Dana looked ta the Black Leather one.
Amie: Mom and dad would be so happy that we found their stuff and learned more about them.
Dana: They would.
Amie: Micayla, do you want to look at some of the stuff? It's fun.
Micayla: OK.
She grabbed an orb and looked at it.
Micayla: What is this?
Everyone looked at it. The orb glowed Bright Pink and Pastel Pink with stars.
Amie: Oh my god.
It sparkled. Micyala smiled. It's moving around in the orb. Amie grabbed the orb.
Amie: This is an orb.
It glowed Pastel Blue, Vivid Blue and Foggy White with Stars. It's very bright.
Amie: Whoa.
It glowed brighter and the glow exploded. The color from in the orb is out of it going into Amie. Her eyes closed and she sucked in a big breath. After a while. Her eyes opened. They are Pastel Blue, Vivid Blue and Foggy White. She let go a big breath and saw something.

It's really dark. There's a forest. There's a shack. It went from the front to the back, showing a hole in the ground. It was going down the hole very fast. It showed a dungeon with a lot of cellars. There are monsters in them. It faced the hallway going down. There's a figure. It went fast towards the figure. When the figure was clear it stopped moving. It's Lucy. But, she's the opposite. After a while. It went blank.

Back in reality. Amie's eyes faded to their original color. She's surprised and in shock.
Amie: (mumbles) What the hell was that?
Dana: Amie. What's wrong?
Amie: There's another Lucy. She's the leader. Amanda also had the original copy. She created her.
Dana: What!?
Amie: I had a vision.
Dana grabbed the orb. After a while. It glowed Turquoise and Neon Yellow with glitter.
Dana: Wow.
Amie grabbed it.
Amie: It's a magical orb. It shows your colors and Sparkle. The brightness of the glow shows how strong your powers are. So. That's means, we have powers.
Micayla: What?
Amie: Micayla. You come from a long line of Programmers, Coders and Builders. You are Unique. If this orb show you that you have a sparkle. That means you have powers.
Micayla: What!?
Amie: It makes sense that it shows us that. You're a part of this family. You don't just have mom and dad's blood running through your veins. You also have our abnormal traits.
Micayla: How? You're Androids.
Amie: Yeah. We are built. But, our bodies transition to a human form. That makes us part human. We are injected with mom and dad's blood and soon after, our organs come to life. We may not run on blood and water. But, we have connections with those around us. Such as family, friends, loved ones, animals and pets.
Dana: Wow.

After a while. Amie told Dana and Micayla stories of their parents and showed them pictures of them and their parents. Later, they put everything in the box.
Amie: We cannot risk losing this stuff. They should not be in the hands of the wrong people. Got it?
Micayla: Yes.
Dana: Got it.

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