Part 5, Chapter 13 (Getting Back)(Part 1)

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Back in the real world. Dana ran in the underground cave with the cousins and M3gan.

Dana: She took her here. She said so herself.

They found Amie, unconscious.

M3gan: She's unconscious.
Dana: It looks like Felicia got her first win. If she didn't tie her up, she would've lost. Just like the others.
She walked to Amie and kneeled down.

Sarah: There are others?
Dana: Yeah.
Zelina: How many are there?
Dana: Like a few. Oh my god. She bit her.
M3gan: What?
Dana: She sunk her teeth until they reached the metal.
John: How many layers of skin do you guys have?
Dana: Like 17 to 21.
Everyone: What!?
Dana: They are thin. They all build up to the humans skin.
Felix: That's cool.
Dana: Scan Amie's system functions.

Dana started scanning Amie's system functions. After a while. She found a suspicious code. She deleted it. After a while Amie woke up. She sat up.

Amie: What the heck happened?
Fiona: You were unconscious.
Amie: No. I was about to plot my escape from Dreamland, until everything went dark and I woke up.

Dana untied Amie. They both got up.

Amie: Thanks. Anyways. What happened? How did I wake up? Prince Derek told me that there is no escape unless someone in his family, the royal family, takes off this Sleep Collar. What happened?
Dana: I found suspicious code and deleted it.
Amie: Right. I almost forgot that you can do that. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?
Sofia: M3gan. Should we tell her?

M3gan made an evil smirk. Amie freaked out. M3gan stopped making the face.

M3gan: Are you OK Amie?
Amie: That evil smirk. I know that face.

She started shaking and stumbled.

Amie: Stay away from me.
John: What's wrong?
Sarah: Are you OK?
Amie: Her. It has to be one of them.
M3gan: One of who? I'm M3gan.
Amie: Prove it. M3gan is AI and no other android is.
M3gan: OK. Do you know that fear can make hallucinations? You must be mistaken.

Amie started to calm down.

Zelina: What's up? Why were you scared, all of a sudden?
Amie: That smirk. All of the Androids make it. Kelly used to be like that,until she got rebuilt. Now she looks different, which is good. Every android that is an enemy to me. Look just like M3gan. But, they wear different clothes. That's why I was scared. Her appearance is the same in every other android.
M3gan: What!?
Amie: Yeah. It's very creepy. There was Kelly and Felicia. There are more. They are all after me.
M3gan: Why?
Amie: I'm the android that has a secret code. The other androids want it. Their creator is my female creator's Arch Nemesis. A competition. She wants the secret code. But, I end up defeating or destroying her androids. I destroyed four. Then Kelly was reessembled. She made a threat to battle me just so she could invite me to her wedding.

Amie's Software: Alert. There will be a Rainstorm at 11:49PM. Head to shelter immediately. Do not stop for anything.

She shook her head.

M3gan: What's going on? It's 8:43AM and there are no weather alerts.
Amie: Dana. I need you to do something.
Dana: What is it?
Amie: It's really risky. I don't want you to mess up. OK?
Dana: OK.
Amie: I need you to reset my software.
Dana: What!? No. Not again. I will lose you again.
Amie: I'll get my memory back.
Dana: No, you won't. You are back to normal now.
Amie: That's why I said it's risky. If you mess up, I will completely have no memory of you and everything else. If you do it properly and carefully. I will regain my memory step by step. Remember the last time?
Dana: Yes. But you know how strong our bond is.
Amie: I know. You just need to do this one thing. Yes. It will erase my memory. But, I need this. It's to reset my network. Come on.
Dana: OK.

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