Part 4, Chapter 9 (Amie's Powers)

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Dana: Hey Amie. Do you want to see how far we've gone on the Android?
Amie: Yeah. Show me.
Sarah: Can we see, too?
Dana: Yeah. Come on.

She lead them all to a room. They all came in and saw parts of a toddler being built.

John: Woah.
Fiona: That's cool.
Dana: Amie. I don't feel so good.
Amie: What does it feel like?
Dana: My lungs are burning, my neck feels sore, my stomach is twisting and my head really hurts.
Amie: Oof. That's bad.
Dana: What should I do?
Amie: Have a cold drink of water and rest. Maybe take some ibuprofen.
Dana: OK.

Amie kissed her forehead and she left with their parents.

Sarah: What could be the problem?
Amie: She has been feeling sore, tired and exhausted ever since the day after her 11th birthday. She'll be alright.

Amie rubbed her neck firmly with both of her hands and started sweating.

M3gan: Are you OK?
Amie: I'm fine. My neck just feels really sore and my head really hurts.

She started scratching her neck. They noticed marks on her neck.

Fiona: What's that?
Amie: What's what?
Sarah: You have a mark on your neck.
Amie: What does it look like?
M3gan: It's a ball of electricity.
Sarah: It's on the right side of your neck.
Amie: What?

She rushed to the bathroom. The cousins followed them. M3gan stayed and looked at the parts of the toddler. She scanned the parts and a guide to building a toddler appeared on her screen. She started building the toddler.

In the bathroom. Amie is looking at her neck. The cousins came in.

John: Are you OK?
Amie: I'm fine.

She left the bathroom and went in Dana's room. Dana is laying in bed, watching TV.

Amie: Dana. Can I come in?
Dana: Come in.

Amie came in and sat by her.

Amie: How are you feeling?
Dana: Not very well. I'll get better.
Amie: Listen. The day after my 11th Birthday. I started to feel weird.
Dana: You did?
Amie: Yeah. The feeling got stronger through three whole months.
Dana: It did?
Amie: Yes. And, before I knew it. I got angry at a bully and I exploded. Not literally. I was surrounded by electricity. My eyes were glowing Bright White.
Dana: Woah.
Amie: Electricity filled my hands and I attacked him.
Dana: What happened?
Amie: I killed him. His body couldn't take the power. After a while. It went away and I realized what I've done. So I ran away and cried in my room. I regretted what I did. I wanted to go back in time and stop myself. Then out of nowhere, I was back at that time. I fought back my powers and just yelled at the bully. He ran away and I looked at my hands as electricity filled them.
Dana: What the!? You went back in time!?
Amie: Yes. And I decided to not do that unless there's an emergency.
Dana: That's amazing. Wait. Does this mean that I'll get my powers next month?
Amie: Or in November. Don't worry about it. What you're going through, is puberty. You know what puberty is. Right?
Dana: Yeah. It's when your body grows.
Amie: Yeah. Today. I just got my mark.
Dana: Your mark?
Amie: Yeah. Look.

Amie showed her the mark of a ball of electricity on the right side of her neck.

Dana: Woah.

Amie stopped showing her.

Amie: Yeah.
Dana: That's cool.
Amie: It is, isn't it?
Dana: Yeah.
Amie: OK. Wanna continue building Sasha?
Dana: Yeah.

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