Part 2, Chapter 5 (Amie and Dana)

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After school, they went home. Amie went with them. When they got home, their mothers greeted them and Amie.

Delilah: What's your name sweetie?
Amie: I'm Amie. A friend.
Ilene: Welcome to our house.
M3gan: We asked her to come here.
Amelia: That's awesome.
Felix: During lunch, she told us she's an Android.
Nina: An android? Are you sure?
Amie: You don't believe your own kids? How intriguing. Doubting your own kids can lead to disagreements. And disagreements lead to arguments. Do you really want to argue with your own kids?

Everyone is impressed.

M3gan: How did you know that?
Amie: I am a fast learner and I pick up on things quick. It's one of the unique things about me. Other than being an Android. I also have my own talents and abilities that I picked up on throughout the years. Such as dancing, singing, piano playing, being flexible, doing hair, etc. I'd make a great fashion icon and Musician. You could tell if you red my moms' vlog. Yep. I have two mom's. I started off having two parents that created me. 7 years later. They die. I get taken in by a family. Two years later. A couple that wanted a kid, adopted me. What else is there?
Bailey: Three families. That's interesting.
Amie: At least Janette and David gave me a heart. If they didn't, I would've not have any feelings or emotions at all. Speaking of Janette and David. I already miss them. Oh well. I have Cassandra and Kyle now.

Everyone was surprised.

Amelia: What did you just say?
Nina: You know Janette and David Philips and Cassandra and Kyle Norman?
Amie: Of course I do. Janette and David created me and Cassandra and Kyle are raising me.
Ilene: Oh my god. You're the missing Android. Lucy.
Amie: No. I'm Amie. Lucy ran away when I was 5 in 2011. She has brown hair, hazel eyes, tan skin and golden nails. She wears purple tops and blue skirts with golden sneakers and purple and blue striped socks in columns. She wears dark makeup and golden jewelry. She was called the Golden Android for 9 years until she ran away. She moved to Africa to get away and live her own life. She told me not to tell anyone. But, you forced me to. Janette and David are the only ones that can make human like androids. It's not our faults that we want our own lives. They were killed on purpose by an enemy I've known nothing about. And he's still alive. He's looking for Lucy and me. Lucy is short for Life Under Control Youth. It means she won't age after the age of 21. My name is short for Android Motivated Individual Entity. That means I am a Motivated Individual, obviously. It's in the name.

M3gan: Oh my god. There's another Android?
Amie: And another. Her name is Dana. She's only 9 years old. She's been with me ever since. I also messaged her to come to me. Since, I'm the only sister she's got and she's the only sister I've got. We're unseperable. We've got each other's backs and we are there for each other every step of the way. Oh. And by the way. My period is supposed to start soon. So, I'll be going through that.

Nina: Seriously? You're an android.
Amie: An android that does human stuff. I'm technically human. So, don't judge the book by its cover. It isn't nice or polite.
Ilene: Looks like we have a sassy android.

There was knocking on the door. Sarah got the door. There's a little kid outside. She came in a d walked to Amie. Sarah closed the door.

Dana: Hi Amie. How was school?
Amie: It was okay. I met some new people that are very nice and kind. Wanna meet them?
Dana: Yeah.
Amie: They're right here.

Dana looked at all of them. She was surprised what she found in M3gan.

Dana: Amie. That one is also an Android.
Amie: Dana. This is M3gan. M3gan. This is my sister, Dana.
M3gan: Nice to meet you Dana.

She waved at her and smiled. Dana waved back and smiled.

Amie: Hey Dana. Do you want to play a game?
Dana: What game?
Amie: Hide and boo. I'm pretty sure you'll get someone.
Dana: BRB!

Dana went running upstairs. Everyone looked at her, impressed.

Ilene: That's very impressive, Amie.
Amie: I love playing with my sisters. And, I can't wait to get these robots parts off.
Delilah: Robot parts?
Amie: After my parents died, my aunt tried to raise me. She took me to a dungeon and almost killed me. But, my sister was there to make sure I was OK and waited for someone to come and get us. That was 7 years ago. Then a family took us in. Two years later. A couple wanted kids then adopted us. It's been a big adventure for us.

Dana ran down laughing. She ran to Amie and turned around. Nine kids ran down yelling at her. They bullied her. Before they touched her. Amie pushed her right hand towards them and they were blown across from them.

Amie: Stay away from my sister!!

Everyone is surprised. Dana is crying, sobbing. Amie kneeled down to her.

Amie: Hey. It's alright Dana. Don't worry. I'm here for you. It's OK. You're strong, smart, funny, adorable, pretty, sweet, kind, friendly, nice, tolerable, weird in a funny way and an incredible sister. You will always be the amazing sister. You are growing up to become an independent, strong, nice, kind, sweet and beautiful young woman. You will never be one of the bad people. You will be a good person who might rule the world one day. You are everything to me and nothing will tear us apart. I promise, I will always be there for you, whenever you need me. You don't need to feel this way. You are a beautiful and bright girl. And nothing will change that. No matter what the consequences are, you will always continue to grow. I love you.

She feels much better. She smiled, wiping away her tears. They both sat on their knees and hugged.

Dana: You're the best sister I could ever ask for. You are the best, Amie.
Amie: So are you, Dana.

After a while. They pulled away.

Amie: How do you feel now?
Dana: Much better.
Amie: how would you feel about a race on all four?
Dana: I'd love that.
Amie: OK. Let's get ready.

They got ready.

Dana: Don't forget to not use your legs. Remember what happened last time?
Amie: You know what? I think there is someone else you'd love to play with.
Dana: Who?

Amie sat down. So did Dana.

Amie: Hey, M3gan.
M3gan: Yes, Amie?
Amie: Would you like to race on all four with my sister?
M3gan: Me?
Amie: Yeah. Play with another android.

M3gan sat on her knees.

M3gan: OK. How do you play this game?
Amie: It's basically running on both your legs and arms with your feet and hands. It's our favorite game.
Dana: It's so much fun.
M3gan: OK. Can you give me a demonstration?
Dana: Sure.

Dana walked to one side of the room and got ready. She started running back and forth 6 times and ran over and sat down. "Woah, you look exhausted. Let's get you some water," Amie said. They both stood up and walked into the kitchen. M3gan stood back up.

M3gan: That does look and sound fun.

M3gan Fanfiction (Amie)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz