Part 7, Chapter 17 (The Real Creators of Amie)

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Later that day. Everyone is playing a game. There was light knocking on the door. M3gan got up and got the door. Two boys stood there.
M3gan: Hi. Who are you?
Sedrick: I'm Sedrick and this is Frederick. We came to see Amie.
M3gan: OK. I'll get her.
She walked away.
Cassandra: Hi M3gan. Who's at the door?
M3gan: Sedrick and Frederick. They came for Amie?
They family made worried and concerning expressions.
M3gan: What is it?
Dana: What do they want this time?
Amie: I'll be back in a few hours or tomorrow.
Felix: Where are you going?
Amie: Trust me. You do not want to know.
M3gan: What's wrong?
Amie: Trust me. It's an issue for just us. You shouldn't know.
She went to the door.
Frederick: Ready?
Amie: One sec.
She went in a closet. After a few minutes. She came back wearing a Black and Dark Blue Jumpsuit with her hair up in a ponytail wearing a smartwatch and a mask.
Amie: I'm ready.
She went outside and closed the door. They cuffed her wrists behind her and left. Everyone saw them leave. When they disappeared.
Sarah: Whoa. What was that? She looked completely different. And her wrists were cuffed behind her.
Cassandra and Kyle got up and locked the doors and windows and covered all of the windows.
John: What's going on?
Cassandra: It's best that you don't know. Safety reasons.
M3gan: Safety reasons?
Kyle: We have to get to the basement.
M3gan: Uh. I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Dana: Why? It's our house.
M3gan: Ummm. Actually. The other M3gan's are down there. If you disturb them, they will attack you.
Dana: Seriously?
M3gan: Yes. It has happenned many times.
Cassandra: That's where we hide when Amie is gone.
Dana: It's the safest place in the house.
M3gan: Really?
Kyle: Yeah. She's the security of the house. When she's gone, we're not safe.
Dana: Our house gets surrounded when she's gone with Frederick and Sedrick. If any of us leaves the house, they will attack us.
M3gan: That's not very nice.
Cassandra: It's how the procedure goes. We can't control it.
M3gan: They shouldn't even be here. It's your house. You should be able to leave whenever you like.
Cassandra: Well. We can't when our house is surrounded.
Kyle: And please. Don't do anything. If you do something, you will get us killed.
M3gan: What? What do you mean?
Casaandra: We cannot tell you more. This is between Amie and Sedrick and Frederick.
M3gan: OK. I'll message the other M3gans to go to the attic.
Kyle: Thanks.
Dana: And, what's the deal with M3gan copies?
M3gan: Well. They help out around the house. Since you take care of your house. They're not needed. We had a big house. Until we had to move out.
Two M3gan's left the basement and went up to the attic.
The Family went to the basement. They locked the door. Everyone is confused, worried and concerned.

At an abandoned house in a forest. Frederick and Sedrick went there with Amie. They went inside.
Frederick: She's ready.
A woman came over.
Woman: Oh. I missed you so much.
Amie: I missed you too, mom.
Woman: Let's remove that mask so I can look at my babies face.
She took the mask off her and looked at her.
Woman: You've grown up so much. It's been 9 years since your last upgrade and fix. So. How's your system running?
Amie: It's been getting a lot of malfunctions, system failures and mainframe problems.
She is upset.
Woman: What? That's really bad.
Amie: Dana has been helping out with keeping me running and functioning right. So, that's been working out.
Woman: And the secret?
Amie: Don't worry. No one suspects anything. But I have new friends. They are nice, friendly and kind. They are outcasts like me. And they seem to get me and understand me. There's another Robot. Her name is M3gan. Their moms have the blueprints.
She smiled.
Woman: Yes. That's good. We just need them to tell you how they got them.
Amie: Yep.
Woman: It was a great idea to build Dana. You needed her. OK. Now, let's get you Checked up.
Amie: OK.

They went in a room.
Amie sat down. They scanned her whole body. There were a few alerts. They looked at everything. They took her to another room and hooked her up to a computer and TV. They looked at all of her memories. The woman cried with happiness and sadness.
Woman: My baby has grown up. She wiped her tears away.
She sat by Amie.
Woman: This is great Amie. You're getting stronger and you developed more emotions and feelings.
Amie: Yeah. Mom.
Woman: Yes sweetie?
Amie: Can I tell Ryan? I think he deserves to know. We really like each other.
Woman: Of course you can.
She smiled.
Amie: Thanks.
Woman: OK. Let's back up your files and clean the stuff you don't need in your storage.
Amie: OK.
They started backing up her files and cleaning the stuff she doesn't need in her storage. After a few minutes. They are done.
They took her in her room and uncuffed her. They rushed out and locked her in. She sat on the bed and looked around.

After a while. She's still awake. That night. Her mom came in with food and gave it to her. She started eating.
Woman: How are you?
Amie: I'm good.
Woman: How's your new family?
Amie: They're good. Better than the last one.
Woman: If we can't get those blueprints. We need M3gan to tell us everything.
Amie: I got it.
Woman: Besides, those androids are still out there.
Hailey: Yeah. And Sally is a bigger threat. She ripped my boyfriend in half. But, now he's back. Thanks to M3gan. She's been really helpful. She finished building Sasha.
Woman: It sounds like you have a new sister. What is she like?
Amie: She's impenetrable. She can't be  broken or torn apart. She's going to make a great addition to the family. She's our secret weapon.
Woman: That's good.
Amie: She's a toddler. Our parents don't want to put up with a baby.
Woman: That's interesting. They are hard work.
Amie: Yeah. They are. How long will I be here?
Woman: I don't know honey. It may take a few days to get you working again.
Amie: That's what I was worried about.
Woman: It's OK. I'll call your dad and he'll see what to do.
Amie's robot parts twitched.
Woman: What was that?
Amie: A few years ago, Jeanette tore me apart. Then a couple came and took us in. They made robot parts for me.
Woman: We may have to make some adjustments to them.
Amie: It's been really hard.
Woman: It's OK.

In a dream-
Amie woke up in a lab. Her body is strapped down on a table. She only sees black. She feels something heavy on her body and something soft on her face. She was going to say something until she realized, her mouth was ripped and wounded. She wanted to struggled but her body is really sore and numb. She felt something move under her. After a while, the moving stopped.
-In a dream

Amie woke up, jolting upright. She noticed that she wasn't in her room anymore. She's in another room. Her mom is there with three men.
Woman: Amie. Is everything OK?
Amie: I. I don't know. I had a dream.
She walked over.
Woman: What was it about?
Amie: I don't know. I couldn't see anything. It felt so real. Just like the dreams I get when one of the Androids are there.
Woman: That's bad.
Amie: They've been getting more intense. And they've been happening.
Woman: That's really bad Amie.
Amie: Mom. I'm really worried.
Woman: Why?
Amie: I have a bad feeling. It feels like something big is coming. Like, something is on it's way to end me. Something really powerful and strong. And it's not an android. It's a Robot Doll.
Woman: Aren't robot dolls, Androids?
Amie: No. It's literally a Doll that is a Robot. Not an Android.
She is worried and concerned.

After a few minutes. They are making adjustments to her robot parts. After two hours. They were done. She walked around and moved her arms and neck. After a few minutes. Nothing happened. She smiled. After an hour. The woman came in.
Woman: Hi, Honey. How are you?
Amie: I'm great.
Woman: We gotta test you.
Amie: OK.
They left.

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