Part 3, Chapter 7 (Amie's Malfunction)

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Fiona: You were dancing like a broken robot in class. And, you just danced perfectly right now. What happened?
Amie: My robot parts weren't cooperating.
Dana: Again? Amie. When are you going to get fixed?
Amie: Soon. I found a professional mechanic. He will examine me and figure out what's going on. I promise, I will get fixed eventually. I'm just going to talk with him and he will do a thorough examination. We'll see how much money it's for, then we will get me fixed. It's just gonna wait.

Dana sighed

Dana: OK. I just want the old body back. It was doing just fine 3 years ago. Then it started glitching and overheating.
Amie: I know. We just gotta be patient.

Dana started crying.

Dana: I don't want one of your robot parts to break again. Your foot and knee already did. Your hand almost did. And your arm is already 50% broken.
Amie: Hey. They will get fixed. Actually. The obvious thing is that they're gonna be replaced. I got them when I was 8 years old. You were gonna turn 3 years old at that time. The next thing after that, will be my system. It hasn't been operating right. It keeps getting malfunctions. I know it's not my software. It has to be a virus.
Dana: No! I don't want to lose you again!
Amie: Don't worry. I'll get my memory back, just like last time. It won't be easy, but I will. There are no better mechanics than our parents. This one might be it.
Dana: (mumbles) Unlike the last 7 mechanics. (stops mumbling) They were total knuckleheads! They had no idea what to do. They tried figuring out your operating system, software and hardware. They aren't even advanced mechanics. This mechanic better be good.
Amie: But, hey. At least we didn't jump to the operating. That would've went really bad. Remember the last four last when I was 11 years old? They weren't even professional. They were just amateurs.
Dana: Yeah.

Amie started glitching.

Amie's Software: Software malfunction. Operating system failure. Virus detected. Starting shut down sequence. Shutting down in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

She shut down. She fell onto the floor. Dana started freaking out. "Amie!!" she yelled. She kneeled down beside her.

Dana: No! Not again! Call Dr. Falcon.

There was a ringing. It stopped.

Dr. Falcon: Hi, Dana. Is something wrong with Amie again?
Dana: Yes. It's her operating system this time. She detected a Virus. Tell me what to do.
Dr. Falcon: Scan her diagnostics and try to find any dark red and dark blue code.

She started the scan. After a while. She found a lot of dark red and dark blue code.

Dana: Sir. I found a lot of it. How bad is it?
Dr. Falcon: That's a server malfunction. Calculate the code and try to find any underlined code.

She did it right away. She found three lines of underlined code.

Dana: I found three lines of underlined code. What does that mean?
Dr. Falcon: That means another android tried to fix her system and software. You need to get that android to remove it. If they don't under 20 minutes, you might lose your sister for a few days.
Dana: No. I cannot let the happen.
Dr. Falcon: Are there any other androids?
Dana: Yeah. One.
Dr. Falcon: What's the android's name?
Dana: M3gan. Is there anything else?
Dr. Falcon: I'll tell you more after you get her to delete that code.
Dana: OK. Hold call.

She got up and walked to M3gan.

Dana: M3gan.
M3gan: Yes Dana?
Dana: Did you try to fix my sister's System and Software?
M3gan: Yeah.
Dana: Well. You need to delete the code that you made. I think it messed with her Operating system.
M3gan: Really?
Dana: Yeah. I have a person that I call to guide me how to fix my sister at times.
M3gan: Oh my god. I'm so sorry.
Dana: It's OK. Can you please help me out?
M3gan: Yeah. Anything for you and your sister.

They both walked over to Amie.

Dana: And you might want to stay at least 12 feet away.
M3gan: May I ask why?
Dana: Random things could happen once a code has been deleted from my sister's system. Such as; destruction, attacking nearby living things, blowing stuff up and breaking things. Anything, any one and any animal. She technically turns into a beast. She immediately does this stuff after she reboots. It only takes about 20 minutes for it to go on. She must have an 11 by 11 empty space. That's as far as she can go and see. She's in the center before she starts moving.
M3gan: Oh my god. That's really bad.
Dana: It's normal. She was just like this before her System started malfunctioning. Can you please start deleting the code? I will lose for for a few days if you don't in 13 minutes.

M3gan started going through Amie's database and found the code. She deleted it. Everyone stayed a yard away from her. After a while. Amie started rebooting. She swung back and jumped onto her feet. Her eyes are Silver and Gold. She started doing insane gymnastics moves. She did flips, handsprings and aerials. She did all of the splits on the ground and in the air. She also did handstands, cartwheels, spins and jumps.

After 20 minutes. Her eyes went back to their original color. She saw Dana and ran to her hugging her. After a while. They pulled away.

Amie: Dana. I just got an idea.
Dana: What is it?
Amie: Remember the metal scraps, wires, screws and all that stuff that we found and saved?
Dana: Yeah.
Amie: Well. I was thinking that we could create something.
Dana: Like an invention?
Amie: Something like that. Are you up to it?
Dana: Of course I am!

They said bye to everyone and rushed out.

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