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Authors pov

"Hyung look at me." Jungkook said.

"She is going to ruin life again. She will make that liya my wife again." Jimin whispered continuously ignoring jungkook.

"Hyung look at me." Jungkook repeated himself but was ignored again.



"NO BUT-wait how do you know mia khalifa. I thought you were innocent." Jungkook said wiggling his eyebrows.

"You are not helping jungkook."

"Hyung listen to me. I am with you. Nothing will happen. I will fight for you. And please raise your point. It's your life and you should know a person who cares for you respects you and your decisions. Okay?"

"Okk lets go."

They both were standing outside jimins parents house. Jungkook rang the bell.
The door was opened by some maid.

"Good afternoon Mr. Park. You can come inside." She said with a bow.

"Thank you Charlie." Jimin said bowing.

"Sir you mother is waiting for you in the living room."

"Ok" With that jimin started walking towards living room with jungkook tailing behind.

"Good morning mother."

"You cam- why is he here. I expected only my son to visit me not any outsider." Jimins mother said with gritted teeth.

"I bought him here with me."

"Oh so now you rule."

"Thats not what i mea-"

"Oh shut up. I know people like him."

"Mom! You can't say like that."

"Now you will tell me what i will say or do. Stop bossing around jimin."

"I didn't ev-. Ok fine why did you call me here?"

"Take the divorce back."

"I. Will. Not."

"Why would you even divorce her? She is a beautiful girl with a good body."

"Mrs. Park are able to hear yourself what are you saying?" Mocked jungkook.

"You don't interfere in between."

"Mom she cheated on me."

"That's not my headache. She is your wife you should be responsible for it. It's your damn matter but you have to involve this divorce shit and ruin my reputation." She said scrunching here face weirdly.

"Oh really. Then mom this is my damn matter. I can do whatever I want in this matter. And your reputation is you damn matter. You should know how to handle it yourself. Don't ruin my life in your shit. Let's go jungkook." Jimin said walking towards the gate.  Mrs. Park was just standing there with her mouth open.

"Huh! My reputation" Jungkook teased and ran towards jimin.


"This was my first time back firing my mom." Jimin and jungkook both were sitted in the car.

"Every thing has its first hyung."

"Yeah but what if she again come back?"

"We gonna kick her ass this time." Jungkook snickered.

"Show some respect. She is still elder than you."

"Respect only those who respect you hyung~~" Jk sing songed.

"Yeah yeah whatever and with that they drive off.


" Hyung I am going out." Jungkook said taking the car keys with him. Jimin was randomly switching the channels on television.

"Where to?"

"Just hanging out with someone."

"Some girl?" Jimin asked with a heartache.

"No.. Why would you think that? "

"Maybe because you are always around girls."

"No. I am going out with a guy."

"Okk come back fast."

"Sure" With that jk went towards the car.

Jungkook started the car and drove off to a jewelry shop.

Jungkook's pov:

I went inside a jewelry shop to get a ring. So let me disclose it you guys. Yes! And finally yes i am going to propose jimin hyung. And yes i kindoff like him.

The first time i saw him i just knew he is the one. I really don't mind our age gap. But i know jimin hyung surely does. But it's okay. I will make sure he break these barriers that the society has imposed on him. And yes when jimin hyung divoresd it was a cherry on top.

"Welcome sir. What would you like to buy? "

"A ring."

"Come this way sir."

I went along with the helper. She showed me variety of rings. But now that i think of it would be too early to give a ring. Should I go with a bracelet or something?

Umm i am confused.

I thought for straight five minutes. The lady had great patience level, she stood there in front of me waiting for my decision.

At the end i am buying ring only. It will perfectly go with my surprise.

"Umm.. Thank you for waiting. I would like to buy this ring. " I said pointing towards one of the rings. It was a pair. One for me and one for me.

"Surely sir

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"Surely sir. Please come towards the counter for the pay."

I surely wi be laughing at me, thinking whether he will say tes or no. And probably the answer is no. But i have atleast give a shot. And i know i have to make him believe that i really love him... I mean like him. And i know its gonna take time. But still i will be there with him.

I can't wait for tomorrow. He is gonna love the surprise.


Hello there 👋

I know i am late. But surely will be updating regularly or atleast would try to.

Thank you❤❤

Love love❤❤

Fighting army ⟬⟭💜

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