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Green Dragon Totem_Chapter 96_NovelHi


     Three days later, in Chang An.

The rusty iron door opened with a screeching sound. Xie Yun staggered half a step. The black cloth in front of his eyes did not allow the slightest bit of light to pass through. He was supported by someone as he walked into the weeds that were as high as his ankles. After more than ten steps, he stopped.

The guard came forward to remove the blindfold. The blood-red sunset in the distant sky made him close his eyes suddenly. After a while, he opened them again.

This was a backyard that had been abandoned for many years. The ground was full of weeds and withered leaves. Beside him was a mottled courtyard wall covered with moss. Under the moss, the bricks showed a kind of wind and rain rust. They stood in front of him silently.

The guards bowed and retreated. Their expressions were respectful, but they hid their vigilance. It was as if the defenseless commander of the Imperial Army in front of them was as ruthless and intimidating as the legends said. He could tear them in half at any time with a snap of his fingers.

Xie Yun did not pay attention to them. She did not say a word and looked around.

The spacious and huge deserted courtyard in his childhood memory was very narrow now. The unclimbable brick wall was also short. The wall that needed to be run to jump over now seemed to be easy to push down.

He was a little absent-minded.

It turned out that the memories that he thought were engraved in his heart had faded away. Even if he tried to recall, the first thing that came to his mind was countless vast moonlit nights in the North of Mobei.

A gentle and dignified female voice came from behind the brick wall, "Do you remember where you are now?"

"…" Xie Yun sighed, "Your Majesty."

Behind the courtyard wall, Queen Wu stood on the same patch of weeds. She did not care that her expensive and exquisite phoenix embroidered dress and silk shoes were stained with mud. She waved her hand and dismissed her confidant standing beside her. Her exquisitely made-up eyes were fixed on the dilapidated and low temple building not far away.

"Many years ago, when I was washing clothes under this tree, I heard a child's trembling voice asking, 'Is there anyone here?' Can you give me some water? '"

Queen Wu paused. Her eyes fell on a cracked stone cave at the foot of the courtyard wall. She smiled and said, "Now you and I are covered in frost, and the Temple of Affection is so dilapidated. I didn't expect that this stone crack is still here …"

Xie Yun did not answer.

"… So as long as something has happened, there will always be traces left behind. Isn't that right, Xie Yun?"

It was unknown what Xie Yun was thinking. After a while, she said in a low voice, "But now, our hands can't reach through this crack, Niang niang."

Queen Wu was stunned.

That was indeed the case. Xie Yun was no longer the child she used to be. She had lived like a princess for many years, and her skin was plump. This narrow and overgrown brick gap was indeed too small for her to stretch her hand through.

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