The Meeting

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"Cant kill my la-di-da vibes
Suffocate my feeling alright
Or asphyxiate my hype"


Our first date?

Our first date?!


"Our first date?" I repeated, making sure I heard him right.


"But this is a fake relationship, we have to go on fake dates too?"

"I told you not everything is fake." He said looking at me, I couldn't miss the intensity in his eyes.

"You genuinely want to go on a date with me?"


"You want to go on a date with me?"

"I'm getting a bit hurt that you still find it hard to believe. Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"No I'm sorry it's just- I'm surprised."

"That the 'hottest guy in school' is asking you out on a date. Fake or not." He pulled his lips in to a thin line, looking away. "Its fine if you don't want to go."

"I will. I mean, I do."

"You what?" He said, clearly holding back a smile as he looked at me with 'confusion'.

"I...want to go on a date with you. Fake or not." Before he could say anything else, Aimee came in. I would've glared at her, but I was too busy smiling.

I'm going on a date with Xavier.

"Noah is so sweet." Star said as we sat down on our seats ready for class.

"You've gone on your date?"

"No, we just hung out again yesterday. He said it's a surprise! I really can't wait for our first date!"

My eyes scanned around the classroom involuntarily, making eye contact with Jason for a few seconds.

"I can tell." I said with a smile. "But speaking of first dates..." I drew out, loud enough for the students behind and Infront of our seats to hear us. Star looked at me with that look in her eyes again, knowing what I was going to say but expecting me to still say it. I sighed. "I'm going on a date with Xavier."

Admitting it out loud made a small smile make it's way to my face. My chest felt warm, and I watched her eyes light up.

"When did he ask?"

"When we were baking in Aimee's house and she went to answer a call." I said, my smile growing at the memory. "But before we could talk more about it Aimee came back, and he was going to walk me home but then my brother came from nowhere." I sighed as I remembered that memory, while Star laughed.

"Make sure to tell me everything before and after the date!"

"How could I not." I said just as the grumpy teacher marched into the classroom.

History class always draws out for what feels like hours. And after it was finally done. I had lots of questions. I usually ask the history teacher right after class, and it usually takes a lot of time. Which is probably why he hates me. And why Star rushed out, not willing to stay back this time.

After I was satisfied, my teacher almost ran out of the class. I couldn't help but giggle a little to myself at that, turning around ready to pack my stuff and go on to my next class. But then I heard the door close, and I was very sure my teacher left it open, so I jumped and immediately turned around.

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