From an F to an A

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You stared at Miku Hatsune, wide eyed. "W-why are you here at my house?!" She asked. Your mom looked at the teenage pop star. "I thought she was one of your friends!" She stated, shocked. You sighed. "Mom. You know very well the only friend I have is Naomi." You said a bit agitated. You and Naomi had been friends for 2 years. Unfortunately, you didn't have any classes together. But you would hang out during lunch and after school sometimes. Then, you noticed the envelope in Miku's right hand. "Um, Miku. What's that?" You asked hesitantly. A big smile appeared on Miku's face. "It's for you!" Miku exclaimed. She handed the envelope to you. You looked at it, then slowly opened it. Inside was a letter. It read: "Dear (Y/N), congratulations! You have been selected to become a member of Vocaloid. Your voice is exactly what we need in our group. You will get paid ¥20,000 a month. Please consider this offer. We would like to know your answer within a week. Thank you." You couldn't believe what you just read. One, you was going to work with her favorite singing group. Two, how did they know what you sounded like? "A-are you serious?!" You shouted. Miku nodded. "B-but you've never even heard me sing!" You pointed out. Miku started laughing. "Of course I have!" She insisted. "You sang yesterday while walking home! I followed you!" You gave her a creeped out look. "Stalker -_-" you thought. Miku had 'guilty' written all over her face. "So, what do you say?" She asked. "Will you come join us and become a Vocaloid?"

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