Meet The Cast! Vocaloid!

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When you went out the front door, you saw a limo waiting for you and Miku. It took about 1-2 hours to get to Crypton Studios and the whole way, you two talked about how life was going to be as a Vocaloid. When you arrived, you were blown away. "It's HUGE!!" You shouted. Miku giggled. "I know your going to love it here!" She assured. The two of you walked in and Miku gave you a tour. "So this is the recording room where I sing and record all of my songs," she explained, pointing to a room on the right. "Wow! That's so cool!" You exclaimed. Then, a tall guy with dark hair wearing a white button up shirt came out from an office room. "Miku. Who's this?" He asked. "Master! This is (Y/N), the girl I was talking about yesterday!" Miku answered excitedly. "Is that so?" He asked with a grin. He turned to face you. "Well then. Wecome to the Vocaloid family (Y/N). We're very pleased to have you join us." You smiled. "Thank you very much!" Then you felt Miku tug on your arm. "C'mon! I have to finish the tour!" she stated. She showed you her room and introduced you to some of her friends, Rin, Luka, Kaito, and Meiko. Rin was hyper and giggly. She couldn't stop talking! Luka was quite and mysterious. She didn't talk much. Kaito  was positive and welcoming. He smiled a lot! Meiko was warm and friendly, like a mother.  "Where could Len be?" Miku wondered. "I can't find him anywhere." Suddeny, the ground started shaking violently. "E-earthquake?!!" you shouted. But Miku knew what this was. It was something far worse than an earthquake.

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