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Very long chapter guys!!! (≧∇≦)

The ground shook harder and harder until BAM! It stopped and was replaced by a loud sound. "What was that?!" You yelled. Suddeny, Rin came runing in like a maniac, yelling ROADROLLER! ROADROLLER! Everyone went outside to where the noise came from. It turns out that there was actually a roadroller and it broke a few glass windows. Driving the machine was a boy with blone hair. "Len, I just got those windows fixed from the last time you drove this thing!" The master yelled. Len snickered. "Sorry master!" He apologized. "But this was an emergency! Some jerk called me a shouta!" Rin looked like she was going to cry. "Y-you didn't invite me?" She pouted. Len smiled nervousy. "S-sorry Rin!" He stuttered. Then he noticed you. "Hey, who's the new girl?" Meiko smiled. "This is (Y/N). Starting Friday, she's an official member of Vocaloid." You waved hello. Len jumped down from the roadroller and ran over to you. "Hey! Nice to meet ya (Y/N)!" He exclaimed. "Thanks!" You said, trying to sound cool. Then Miku came up to Len. "You know she was singing your song, Len!" She asked. For some reason, this made your face turn red . "Really?" He questioned. "What song?" "The Bird That Crosses The Stars!" Miku answered. Len beamed. "I love that song!" You grinned. "Me too!" You both laughed until you guys heard a loud scream. They looked to see Kaito with a torn scarf in his hand. "My favorite scarf!" He yelled. Everybody stared at Len, who shrugged with a terrified smile. Kaito gave him a death glare. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU LEN!!!" He yelled and ran after Len, who was already running away. "Let me help!" Rin shouted, getting into the roadroller. "This is what happens when you don't invite me!" She screamed and went after Len.

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