Len's Love For Bananas

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You didn't hear the last part, but it didn't matter. "So what song do you wanna sing?" You asked. Len shrugged. "Well, a duet would probably be a good idea," he suggested. You nodded. "What about Trick and Treat? I love that song!" You exclaimed. Len smiled. "Good idea! But before we start, do you want something to eat?" He asked. "Sorry, we don't always have dinner." You shook your head. "I'm good. I already had a banaaan..." You decided not to finish that word, but it was already too late. Len stared at you with his mouth wide open. "Muh muh my BANANA??!!" He screamed, pulling out his hair. "I-I-I'm so sorry Len!! I completely forgot!" You apologized, but that didn't help. Panicking, you ran out of the studio, leaving Len on the floor with tears flowing out of his eyes. When you came back, you had a music box in your hand. You placed it in front of Len. He stared at it. "A-a music box?" He questioned. You scratched the back of your head. "Well, I did some tweaking and made some adjustments." You twisted the key and instead of playing a lullaby, it played Servant of Evil. You sang along and Len listened carefully. When the song was over, Len clapped. "See? I knew you had a beautiful singing voice!" You laughed. "Thank you," you said, a bit embarrassed. He smiled. "So lets get back to the duet, shall we?" you asked putting a hand out out for him. "Sounds like a plan!" He said excitedly as he took your hand. And the two of you went over the song, rehearsed and recorded. You turned it into Master and he loved it! You had so much fun that day, you wanted to do it over and over again. And so did Len.

Picture found on http://www.woon-ro.com/board/index.php?showtopic=16797

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