Neru Akita

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When you and Len reached the theaters, the two of you went over to buy your tickets and popcorn. Len's was drenched in butter with no salt while yours was half and half. "I'm so excited!" You exclaimed. "I heard this movie was supposed to be really scary!" Len laughed. "Yeah! Although I don't get scared too easily." You crossed your arms with a grin. "Lucky. I get scared way too easily!" The two of you laughed until Len suddenly stopped. His eyes widened and he was trembling a bit. You tugged at his sleeve. "Len? Are you oka-!!" Suddenly, Len grabbed your arm and hid behind a corner. He peaked out while biting his lower lip. "What's wrong, Len?" You whispered frantically. He pointed to someone. You followed the direction his finger was going and saw a girl with yellow hair in a side ponytail. She was staring down at her cell phone. "That's Neru Akita," Len informed. "She's a Vocaloid." You were surprised. "There are more?" You asked. He nodded. "But Neru has had a giant crush on me since we met. Although she won't admit it," he stated. "She can NOT see us together." You nodded. "Alright." The two of you waited for about 5 minutes until she finally left. You both sighed in unison. Then, he took your hand with a smile. "Well, we don't want to miss the movie, do we?" He asked. He shook your head and blushed. "I just hope Neru doesn't see us," you said in your head.

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