Joining Vocaloid

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You stared at your mom, hoping to get an answer. She just shrugged. "I don't know much about 'Vocaloid', but this sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity," she said. "If this is what you want, you should do it." You beamed, getting the response you wanted. Miku did the same. You turned to her and put your hand. "It's a pleasure to be working with you Miku Hatsune!" Instead of shaking your hand like a normal person, she grabbed them and yanked them up and down. So hard, you almost lost your balance. "M-Miku!" Then she backed way. "Sorry! Guess I got carried away there!" She apologized. "I-Its cool," you replied. Miku smiled. "So let's go!" She exclaimed. You looked at her shocked. "Now 0_0?!" She nodded. "You'll start Friday! Today, I'm just going to show you around and introduce you to the other Vocaloids." "A-alright," you stammered and you followed Miku out the door as your mother waved goodbye.

Sorry! This chapter was either going to be too short or too long TT^TT

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