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I'm scared as hell to want you. but here i am, wanting you anyway.

MASON paced around the front gate with a patience that was running thin. She held a book between her arms; clutched tightly against her chest. It was wrapped neatly in pink floral wrapping paper and a bow to match. A handwritten letter was tucked underneath the silk red bow to finish it off. It came from the heart.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Mara appeared with flushed cheeks. "Were you waiting long?" She wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand.

Mason's brows scrunched together. "Seriously? I've been here since eight." She sighed. The latter looked down at her watch. Eight twenty two. "You told me you'd be here at eight. On the dot."

Mara took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around the girl in front of her. "I know. I'm sorry." She apologised. "I just got caught up with things."

Mason knew what 'things' were. Mara had most likely been with Mavis—there was no doubt in Mason's mind. "Then don't have me standing around like some fool next time." She shoved the latter gently and passed her the book. "Here."

Her best friend looked at her with knitted brows. She could sense that the younger was upset. Mason hardly ever showed her feelings. It was just in her nature. "Are you mad at me?" Mara slipped the book into her cream coloured tote bag. "Hey, you know I didn't mean to make you wait. It just happened that she wanted to talk to me. I didn't realise how long she kept me for."

Mason kicked the ground with her black leather shoes. "Don't do that again..." She looked down and tried to avoid Mara's soft doe eyes. "I was so embarrassed and I didn't know where—"

Mara pulled her into a tight embrace. "I know." Mason had a bewildered look on her face. Mara hardly initiated any form of affection; simply because Mason hated affection. Though there were times were Mason made an exception; right now would be one of them. She didn't seem to hate it; she wouldn't want to look like she loved it either. Mason kept her arms by her side and smiled softly between the crook of Mara's neck.
"I won't do that ever again." Mara clarified.

Mason hummed softly. "Mmm. You better not." The hug went for a mere moment longer before they both pulled away. "I hope she likes it."

Mara smiled warmly. "I'm sure she will. I trust you." Her eyes crinkled at the corners. "Thank you for the help, Mace. You don't know how much this all means to me." She thanked.

"You don't need to thank me." Mason replied. "It's a really great book. I'm sure she would've loved it anyway. Even if it was all me from start to finish. I chose it." Mason fidgeted with her hands as she looked into Mara's eyes. "She'll love it. Trust."

"I do have to thank you." Mara affirmed. "You went out of your way to do it. You even wrapped it beautifully and..." Mara clasped her hands together. "You wrote the letter in your writing."

It wasn't much; some simple calligraphy over the envelope. That's all it was. "I didn't write the letter. I just wrote her name on the envelope."

Mara rummaged through her tote bag upon hearing the girl speak. Mason stood frozen in front of the latter; she didn't seem to move at all.

"What are you looking for?" Mason wondered.

"Ah..." Her best friend pulled out a rectangular box from the bottom of her tote. "I drove two cities over just to get my hands on these." The corners of her mouth quirked upward as she brought the box towards the other girl. "For you."

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