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My mom is in the kitchen, making breakfast. By the sizzling noices, I can tell that it's bacon.

I get out of bed and get dressed, I put on a grey shirt, and jean shorts. After brushing my waves, chestnut hair, I walk into the kitchen, greeting my mother.

" 'morning" I murmur.

"Good morning, dear" she replies, looking over at me with a mischievous look that's always in her eyes. "I'm glad you finally woke up! You would have been late for school. Now hurry up and eat! Your father wants to see you before you're off!" She says cheerfully, plopping some bacon and pancakes on my plate, followed by some thick, golden brown syrup.

I hork down the pancakes and bacon. It's delicious. I didn't realize I was so hungry! After my nightmare I guess... I always get them, and they are always super vivid.

This time it was about a giant... and I had to fight it. It was ugly, with green, scaley legs and a human like body. And it's hair was a mess that I don't particularly wants to talk about.

As I finish my breakfast, my dad walks out of the room, wearing his usual orange track shirt.
Does he ever wash that thing?!? I wonder to myself, wrinkling my nose at the thought of it. My father kisses me on the forehead, with an even more mischievous look in his eye then my mother's.

"Happy thirteenth birthday." He says. "Lots of strange things will happen to you today..." is this guy talkin' about puberty or something?!? I think. Not quite finishing his sentence, he hands me a golden ring, designed like leaves so that if I put it on my finger, in would swirl up about an inch up my finger.

I stare at it in awe, it matches my necklace that he gave me for my fifth birthday. I put on the beautiful ring and start to walk out the door. Before I go out, I call to my dad. "Uh... hey dad..."

"Yes?" He replies

"Uh... thanks." And with that said, I walk out the door.


I bored the bus, and sit next to my friend, Carter.

Carter has red orange hair, a red shirt and a black leather jacket. He has jeans cutting low to his ankles, so it shows his black converse.

I look down at my grey, one star converse, wondering when I will get a new pair...

"Happy birthday Khara!" Carter speaks, snapping his fingers in front of my face to stop me from staring into space. He hands me a lumpy... thing wrapped in brown packaging, tied in tan twine. I open the packaging, it's a diamond. And it's absolutely stunning.

"Oh my god!" I say, absolutely surprised, "I can't take this!" Carter looks over at me with a grin on his face.

"You have to! You already opened the package! No backsies!!" He yells cheerfully. "It's not everyday that you turn thirteen!" He looks around and taps his fingers on his knee (he has ADHD as well), but when fixes his sight on my ring.

"My gods-" he pauses abruptly and I stare at him, surprised of his outburst, he then clears his throat. "I mean... God. Is that celestial Bronze???"

"I thought it was gold... but I guess...." I study my arm, I have a scratch... which I don't even know where I got it, the blood stands out on my dark skin.

"*Ahem* ok... well... Happy birthday anyways..." Carter says, as we get off the bus. "I just hope you don't get attacked too much..."

"What do you mean?!?" I yell, surprised at the strength of my voice.

Carter just grins, "you'll see!" He says cheerfully from his locker. I storm off to my locker and put my camo backpack inside. I then walk into the classroom and sit in my seat. Of course it's next to Carter... I have no other friends... everyone else thinks I'm just... weird. But Carter says that I'm like him.

The teacher then walks into the room, giving us dirty looks.

"You two. Here. Now." She says, her voice hard as steel. We both walk over to her, surprised that she spoke to us.

"YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE THIS SCHOOL ALIVE!" She hisses and morfes into a winged creature. Her skin is super wrinkly and green. She bares her long fangs and pounces with her huge, sharp talons.

"FURIES!!" Screams Carter.

A/n to my friends 3bacon3, meghanweiss, and jesschaney, I wanted to let you guys know that I modified the story a smidge. But this is how it originally started out.

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