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I strayed afar from Carter to looke for the others. No luck.
I looked at my watch, it said July 15, 2015, 10:30 pm. That can't be right! We just got here and it was the 13!! Wait...the Lotos Hotel... I completely forgot. I need to find the others, QUICK!
I search around the pool tables, but no luck. Occasionally, knowing that there are guards checking if the residents were "awake", I asked where certain attractions were.
The drunken look still on my face from what you would call acting, I walk off to the slot machines, and sure enough... I found them all right there.
"GUYS!" I exclaim, a grin growing wide on my face to see my friends again.
"Come on!" I heard one of them say, I couldn't see them but it sounded like Meghan. "Have some fun with us!" she beckoned.
"No, guys, we need to leave!" I cry, literally almost in tears, "Come on!!" I grab a small wrist, knowing it was Rylee's.
"Ugh! What the heck!" she yells, "I don't know if we want her here guys..." These words hurt me...even though I knew she didn't mean it.
"Please!" I shouted, almost loud enough for everyone to hear. I checked my watch, its now the sixteenth. UGH! This is so frustrating!
"Fine... Um guys... I think we should go...." Khara kinda whispers, and the others agree.
We walk around in a group, the others kind of settling down now that the lotus flowers were wearing off. We still pretended like we were having a good time so that we wouldn't get caught.
When we found Carter, we had to sneak our way to the exit, but of course, a plan can never go right in demigod land.
We got to the doors, with guards at our heels. Everyone drew there weapon, until I relized I had left mine at home.

A/n I KNOW!!!! ITS SHORT IM SO SORRY!!!! *cries* but it has to be so it leads up to shit in the next chapter! Its super important! I think I should do a Khara chapter cuz I haven't done one in a while... But thats just me. Idk i think i should do a different one but i dont know whooooo! Eh I'll just do Khara. Its what eves.

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