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We all followed Carter down a sketchy looking street. He kept going until we reached the city part of Las Vegas ((figured out how to spell it guys) ) and he took us to some weird looking hotel called, The Lotus Hotel.
It gave me a bad feeling but I still followed. When we got in they gave us "complemetary" Lotus eat.
I didn't eat mine, but everyone else gobbled down theirs like it was the best thing since ambresia. Next thing you know, everyone was running off to gamble and stuff.
"Wait!" Carter yelled, " WE MISSED A STOP!" He screeched as I mentally facepalmed. I just realized we forgot to go to Mudusas' place. Oh gods.
"Help me round them up!" I told Carter, and he nodded.
"we should probably get the little thingy we have to get too!" he replied and I nodded.
A/n I am so sorry this is really short but I forgot what the little thingys were called. If you could tell me that would be amazing because I don't feel like getting my book. Thanks!

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