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We were falling. Just like the nightmare I had before the quest. And as if the Fates had read my mind, Jess had started to control the winds. She managed to be able to lift Meghan with the air, but Jess was unable to catch us all.
Jess screamed in unison with the rest of us as the ground started to appear from the thick, red fog. The air started to get smoggier, and I then knew where we were falling.
The Underworld.
The literal pit of Hell. I screamed louder, realizing this horror as the ground was now close enough to see visible detail.
Jess screamed above us all, "LOOK OUT!" which was kind of pointless but... yeah.
Khara, Carter, and I braced ourselves as the ground became only a few feet away. The ground was inches from our faces until we halted to a stop.
Meghan had thrown one big force field around the three of us as she and Jess lowerwd to the brown-red ground.
Dust billowed around them as the winds lifted upward when Jess stopped controlling them.
"Mmmfmm thmm wamm mamzmm!" I tried to praise Meghan but thats what it sounded like through the golden force field.
"I can't hear you!" Meghan laughed, and broke the force field. She didn't even look tired!
"That was amazing!" I yelled, and ran up to bring Meghan into a hug.
"You really saved our butts there." Khara smiled and placed her hand on Meghan's shoulder.
"Thanks..." Carter mumbled, there was something bothering him... maybe its just being down here that's got him down.
"At least we don't have to go to Medusa anymore!" Jess chimed in, obviously rejoicing not having to see the she-devil.
"Alright," I started,"We should get going, we only have less than a week left!" Carter started walking and we all followed.
As we had Hade's Palace in view, Khara started getting more and more paranoid, along with Carter, they knew something we didn't. Maybe they didn't want us to worry, but it obviosly wasn't working.
It took another three hours before we actually reached the Palace, even though it was in viewing distance. Once we actually got there, we were all tired and worn out, but Meghan did the trick and "healed" us, but she technically gave us her energy by using her powers. She didn't look too drained, but still, she has got to be at least a little tired.
We walked up the stairs, only to find dead, undead guards.
"UGH!" Meghan let out a groan of annoyance, then continued, "More things to fight!" she stomped up to one of the guards, about to punch it in the face, only to realize that it didn't flinch. It just sat there, expressionless. Meghan replaced her fist with her forefinger and touched it, and it dissolved into golden monster dust.
I walked over to the second skeleton- zombie guard and poked it with monster dust exploding onto everyone.
"Easy enough!" I cheered, and everyone else nodded in agreement.
Khara and Carter were looking up, furies circled us like vultures overhead, and was it just me, or did one of them swoop downward?
"TO THE CASTLE!" Carter shouted and pointed to the closed, gloomy looking doors.
We all filed in.

A/n its pretty short, I know... Im a butt. But seriously, my chapters are kinda hard to make if there long bc I have different POVs. Lol much lame excuse. But yeah. Baii.
•//3//• ~~Grace

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