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I stayed awake, even though I needed rest, I was just afraid of how this plan was going to work. This camp also looks exactly how we set it up in my dream, and I didn't even help (I just stole a water bottle LOL), which is quite frightning ((okok quick a/n I think that the real frightening thing was the fact that she said LOL. Ok sorry I'll go now)).
I tossed and turned, but eventually got to sleep...
"Khara?!?" I heard Jess scream,
"JESS!" followed by Meghan,
"NO MEGHAN!" followed by Carter,
"CARTER!" followed by the weird girl,
"DIYA!" I kept my guard up, I'm the only person who hasn't screamed yet, and either this is a cruel prank or something weird is going on.
And I really hope it's the first one...
I wake up, gasping for air, it's still dark, so I take a small glance at Jess' watch,
3:30 am...
Good. I can still sleep... but if i do, then the dream might continue.
It's just a dream!
I lay back down and close my eyes, pretending to get rest.
Khara gets up, banging two pots together and screaming,
And with that, everyone magically got up and were "awake", while I slowly tried to get up and open my eyes,
"Ugh..... Too....bright... Eh" I fall back down on the bunk bed and close my eyes to "rest" them.
"RYLEE GET SOME FOOD! I KNOW YOU WANT IT!!" Khara raged into the tent and smacked her hands against my bunk. I slowly rise, my eyes half closed and simply groan,
"Ohmygooodsalright!!" and rub my eyes, while getting up, not bothering to put on normal clothes.
A happy Meghan was sitting by the campfire, which reminded me of the ones we had at camp, they could be very relaxing, but also very stressful...
"Food." I grumble, sitting on a log while Meghan passes me some waffles.
I hork them up, from that tiring sleep and all.
"Damn!" Meghan made a funny face and repeatitivlly poked me in the arm, "You were hungry!"
"More like hangry." I joked and punched Meghan in the arm while laughing.
"Alright" Carter was grumpy, since we wouldn't tell him what happened with the zombies, "We should probably go..."
"No." Jess disagreed, sitting on her log, "we should split up later on, to search for something that might be lost. I don't disagree with Rylee's idea, I just think we should explore other options as well."
Everyone seemed to agree as they finished their food, I just slowly nodded and asked for another serving of waffles.
When everyone finished their fifth helping of breakfast, we got up and got ready to spread out.
I just looked around the tent for anything useful, anything that I would be able to contact Khara with, since I know she's going to disappear.
The cell phone!
I know it's dangerous to use one if you're demigod, it basically would turn you into major monster bait, but still, its worth a shot. I grab my phone off my bed (and obviously I never use it, my parents just made me bring it to camp) and peeked into Khara's bag to see and iphone with a Camp Half Blood case she painted on it laying on a bunch of books. I looked at her number and put it back in her bag,
"Perfect" I whispered and walked off, trying to pretend like I wasn't snooping.
"Alright!" Jess yelled, getting everyone's attention as they gathered around the campfire, "we all should split up and go into different directions in the woods. Ok... We should probably split into teams, Meghan and I will be together, uh Rylee who do you want to be with?"
"Uhh..." no offence to Carter or anything, but he creeps me out, a lot, "I'll go with Khara."
"Ok Khara did you hear that?" Jess looked around, but Khara never gathered around with us...
"Khara? Oh gods..."
"Uh I'll look inside the tent." I gave a weak smile and rushed through the entrance, and to her bunk below mine,
Her bag was gone.
"Oh well... Heh... Would you look at that..."
This is when my nightmare begins, I guess.

A/n hey what's up. I'm writing this on my way to Ocean City!! To fabulous I know. Well yeah I kinda dedicate this chapter to someone *cough cough* named Rylee cuz I can't tag people because I don't have internet, but yeah. Also, I've actually been thinking of taking a break from this book and making a Christmas book. Idk. All those other books are "coming soon" or whatever because they're just previews, I forgot to mention that a while ago but I'm thinking this book will just be a short story.

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