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Finally, I reached the end of the hallway, Diya impatiently waiting at the mouth of the living room. I looked all around to see a cage, holding my friends, I saw their faces light up when I entered the room and I returned their smiles.
"Why haven't you set them free yet?" I sternly asked with lots of concern,
"Number one, I haven't figured it out yet... Number two, I didn't want to interfere with the Profocy." she proudly replied,
"Lazy butt..." I rushed over to the cage, determined to get them all (and myself) out of here alive.
"Alright.... I just need a key..." I look over at the coffee table, and a key is right there.
I mosey my way over to the key, while hearing footsteps pacing down the hallway, coming toward the living room.
"He left the key right on the table!" I frantically whispered, quickly walking over to the cage, determined not to get caught again.
I fumble with the key, fitting it into the lock and twisting it to the left, unhinging the door from the lock.
"Dumbass God of Death, I tell ya..." Meghan mumbled to herself, and walked out first, followed by Jess and Rylee, but Carter was no where to be found.
"Crap, Carter must be in a special prison."
"Yup," Jess replied, pointing to the door on the left hand side, "that way." I head to the looming door just as she points to it, prying it open and filing everyone inside just as Hades and Hermes arrive.
We hear muffled arguing behind the door as we turn around and see Carter locked in a much heavier equipped jail, Hades probably knowing we would get this far. Rylee curses in Greek under her breath as I search for the key. I don't even know what it looks like, I don't even know if there is a key!
"Carter did he use a key? Or... Did he, I dunno, maybe lock the thingy with magic or somethin'?
"No... He left it unlocked..." he started, and I immediately wonder why we aren't out of here yet, "but, it's my only protection from the zombies..." he finished and gestured for us to get in the cage,
"Say what now?" I looked at Carter with the are you insane? Look and looked around to the dark shadows coating the walls hearing groans of the undead. Carter's eyes widen as he gestures more frantically for us to get in the cage.
"Guys... Put your weapons up..." Jess cautiously whispered, pulling out her lightning bolt sword and standing her ground.
The rest of us take out our weapons, Rylee, her knife, Meghan, her sword, and I just ready my sword that was already out of it's ring-state.
Zombies spill from the shadows, each as mindless as the next and even more disgusting. Their green tint added to their skin tone really brought out their eyes.
Oh wait.
Pieces of flesh fell off with each step they took, Meghan stabbed on in the stomach and it exploded into golden dust, along with a gross looking half of a brain.
We all continuously stabbed at the zombies, careful not to be bitten or scratched, since legends tell that that's not the best idea.
Carter jumps out of his prison, then immediately, all the monsters seemed to be attracted to him, bloodthirsty. He took out his sword and started slashing at the zombies, but after turning a couple to dust and half brains, one decided to scratch him, he fell to the ground and we took on the rest of the zombies while Meghan used her powers to heal Carter.
Once there was nothing except dust and brains on the floor, we all crowd around Carter, afraid he would die.
Legends that normal people tell about zombies aren't true, if you get bit by one, you don't actually turn into one, you just die, that's why we have to heal Carter quickly, because he's dying quickly.
"I will be able to heal him," Meghan started, "but he'll be unconscious for a couple hours... It'll take too much of my power to heal him completely."
"Ok... Just do what you can..." I hurry her along, not wanting to be rude, bit he was still dying.
Meghan slides her and over top of Carter's face, muttering things in Greek to heal him. He groans and rolls over, yet mildly unconscious. We help him up and look for an exit, we hear footsteps coming to the door and we frantically run to the back of the room. Hades and Hermes burst through the door and grin at the sight of us.
"We've been looking for you" they both advanced with an army of skulls behind them.
"Oh my gods.... We are so screwed." Jess mumbled, turning her sword back into a lightning bolt.
We readied our weapons and took our stance, the two gods laughed at our seriousness, only angering us more.
We were ready to fight. And to win.

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