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Looking for your friends in an ominus, dark castle may seem easy to some people, but is defiantly harder than it looks. I dashed across the blood-red carpet in the center of the pitch black tiles, the more I looked at the black hole that is the floor, the more detail I see in the carvings.
"CARTER, RYLEE, MEGHAN, JESS!! WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled desperately, hoping to hear an answer, the more times I didn't get a response, the faster I ran into the seemingly endless corridor.
Finally, I heard cries for help a long, long way down the corridor, I don't think that I could reach them in time to save them...
"GUYS!" a spark of hope lit inside my body, just hearing their voices gave me strength. I hurried down the hallway, hoping it would take me to the eerie living room that most likely held all my friends hostage. Less than halfway through my moment of triumph, it was already crushed by a certain God who had followed me from the Colosseum,
"GAH!" I screamed in agitation as I smashed into my father, only seeing orange from his stupid tracksuit.
"Hello..." he trailed hi voice and gave me that toothy, mischievous grin that would make anyone have an instant black hole form in their stomach.
"Get out of my way!" I growled, giving him the dirtiest look I could manage, "Don't you see?!? Your not my dad anymore, you can't tell me what to do! What happened to all that sentimental family stuff, huh?!"
"You were angry at me when I didn't explain what was going o-"
"CAN YOU BLAME ME?!?" I screamed, tears pouring from my eyes and a lump forming in my throat, "DADS ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP! And if your not going to do that, then at least let me through to my friends!" I choked and Hermes threw me to the ground,
"If your ungrateful for everything I did help you with, then I guess I won't help you anymore..." the grin froze on his face as I saw a flash of blue, white and purple fly past me followed by playful laughter I remember from when I was young.
"Diya?!" I questionably blurted, unable to contain my excitement, the room grew cold and Hermes was knocked out and thrown off of me, I swung my head toward the part of the hallway where there was the most frost, snow, and icicles.
There she was!
"Diya!" I yelled, hugging her, I step back to take a look at how she had changed, "I thought you were dead!" Her white hair was blue at the tips and pulled into a bun, she had a dark blue sweatshirt with black leggings and white boots, which all complemented her pale skin.
"Gee thanks kid, now lets go find those friends of yours, we better hurry 'cause crazy-dad isn't dead.... I hope..." she placed a cold hand on my back and rushed my down the hallway, leaving my dad to fend off the hell-hounds that had started barking after Diya and I rushed off.
Once again, the moment of our glory was small, since we ran into the god of death himself, kind of ironic, actually...
"Well... Everyone's goingscreaming led me right toward you!" Hades mused, rubbing his glory in our faces,
"LET MY FRIENDS GO!" I angrily pounded on his stomach, but he didn't budge, he just chuckled to himself and circled around us in a swift motion,
"Stop teasing us Hades, we know what your doing and its not funny." Dita's voice was strong, yet collected, very in control, the sound of her voice made the room much cooler than it actually was as snow flurries circled around her head, "Boreads will be here soon..." she grinned and floated into the darkness of the upper ceiling and left me to die with the death god.
"Heey..." I nervously squeezed out a greeting to try and approach stalling, but Hades was actually smart, imagine that,
"No one to help you? That's just too bad!" he gloated as I tried to crawl away from him, but he advanced just as quickly.
"I don't need help!" I yelled, waving my hand gesturing to a tapestry hanging on the wall and it fell on the God's head, he angrily rose after falling to the ground,
"So you wanna play dirty?" he turned into a demon made of fire with large horns, "I CAN PLAY DIRTY!" he screamed, bending down to engulf me in flames,
"NOT TODAY" i yelled out of fear, crossed my hands over my head and crouched down, to my surprise, a shield formed and the flames surrounded me in a large bubble of yellow and orange. I smiled at the sight and lowered my arms when the flames subsided.
The entire hallway was scorched except for the small bubble surrounding my feet, the god was gone, but the screaming of my friends had stopped,
I just hope they're not gone.

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