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I sometimes wonder what goes on through the god's heads. How does a god suddenly decide to turn evil? I don't know... Why don't you ask one? But the grins that stained the god's faces (especially Hermes') were just terrifyingly spiteful.
"Looks like you've lost." Hermes chimed, his smile turning upside down. You could literally feel Khara's anger like burning flames in the room, not to mention the tension between Carter and Hades.
I felt static race across my skin, prickling my nerves.
Well that's never happened before. I thought, happy that maybe my powers were growing for the occasion. I grin and get in front of my friends, who are still helping Carter while throwing the two gods dirty looks.
"And who might you be?" Hades crosses his arms and flips his long greasy hair,
"Jess, daughter of Zeus." I snap, stepping closer to the god. Electricity formed in my hands as all the hairs on my arms stood on end, I must have looked pretty frightening because both of the gods backed up a bit.
I grinned and advanced a bit,
"We escaped from you once, you know this is just gonna repeat, don't you?" I laugh and put down my hands and the electricity goes out, I can hear my friends scramble in the darkness, lifting up Carter, suddenly, the door opens and they all flood out of the dark and into the light living room. I rushed out the door, leaving the two gods terribley confused.
We ran down the hallway, the doors appearing out of the seemingly endless void of darkness.
"Do we have a plan?" Rylee asked, grinning,
"Nope. But you can make one if you like!" Khara breathlessly weezed, opening the doors, and rushing out of them. We all follow her, with some random girl floating with Carter in her arms,
"Uhh, first off, who's that?" Rylee points to the girl holding Carter,
"No time to explain, just... What's the plan?" Khara impatiently sat on a rock, since we were a little while away from the castle.
"Well... Before we carry out the plan, we have to get out of here first..."
"Alright... If I have my directions correct," I started, tracing the airflow from the exit to the mortal world, "We should need to travel North, so we can reach the mortal world."
"Alright, good job Jess." Meghan said, looking in the direction I was pointing, "Lead the way." she finisjed and got up, following by Khara and Rylee, with the random girl floating with Carter.
They all followed me as I led them North of the castle, we silentley walked.
We passed River Phelgnon (if I spelled that right) and I led the group upstream.
"I'm hungry" one of the voices wined, and I think it was Meghan because she's always hungry for pizza and things like that,
"Can't you wait?!?" I snapped, looking back at her sarcastic grin, "We are in the freaking underworld for Hera's sake!!" the girl holding Carter snickers, floating above me, and I death-glare her.
"I think I see the light!" I yell, and Rylee runs up to make sure that I'm not dying, "Not that kind of light! I mean the light of Earth!" Rylee slowly backs away, and I hear a sigh of relief from everyone else.
I think everyone else saw it too because they all ran (or flew, because of that weird girl) to the real land, and kissed the ground.
Rylee was the only one who seemed like she was actually sane, "Guys, remember my plan?"
Khara clears her throat and stands up "Oh, uh yeah, please explain."
"Alright, so, I have been thinking about the profocey and I've been thinking about what Hermes lost, and I think it was trust, because of Hades, so we need to rebuild his trust with Khara."
"Now I know you're a crazy woman." Khara crossed her arms and gave a Imma gonna die look.
"We can try it... Because... I had a dream before the quest, and you disappeared, and so did everyone else, but I don't know how that's gonna work out, but I had a hunch..."
"Ok... Maybe but we don't know when that's gonna happen, we only have a week..."
"That doesn't mean that it can't happen!" Rylee defended her point and walked a little ways gesturing for everyone to follow her, "We should set up camp away from the entrance to the Underworld."
Everyone nods their heads and I switch my backpack to the other shoulder (I'm carrying the camp stuff) and I sigh, trudging along behind the group.
"Alright..." I tiredly lugged my backpack to the ground, "I'm too tired to walk any longer, can we set up camp here?"
"Well..." Rylee looked around nervously, as if she had seen the place before, "n- uh... Sure..."
I don't know why she seemed so nervous, the place looked fine.
I set up the camp and made the fire, Megan cooked food and the everyone else just sat around, Rylee kept taking Khara's water and drinking it, since she drank all hers, and Khara suspected it every time, but didn't let Rylee know it. The strange girl laughed at their silly whatever they were doing and Carter started to wake up,
"Wow, he woke up just in time to go to sleep!" Meghan laughed and finished her meal, along with the rest of us.
When we finished our food, everyone piled into our tent, it was a lot bigger on the inside then the outside, by a lot, Rylee says she bought it from some weird red-head guy at a festival or something.
There were bunk beds and lots of rugs, so we each took our own place to sleep, whether it be on the beds or on the floor. And with that,
We were to sleep.

A/n first off, thanks for the reads tho, I
I am already wattpad famous (no Iam not that was sarcasm) and second off, my Harry Potter reference to the tent and the red head, which is Ron btw, was perty good (at least I think so) but yeah ur all cooler than I am

•//3//• ~Grace

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