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A/n sorry there are so many Khara chapters, I will do a dif. Pov next chapter. ENJOY KHARA YELLING AT THE HERMES DORKS!!!!

I swivel around, my wet hair slapping the little bastards that shot me with water. They smile smugly and hide their water guns behind their backs.

This gets me so angry, I focus on a large boulder behind them and it flies at the back of their heads.

"Oops!" I smile innocently at Connor and Travis' reaction. Utter confusion, "did I do that?" I giggle, putting my hand over my mouth, "that's what you get." I spin around and head into the woods to meet Rachel, leaving the Hermes boys staring in awe.


"Hey Rachel!" I greet her, and Nico was there.......why???

"Oh hey." Rachel greets me back and waves her hand, gesturing for me to sit next to her. Nico says nothing and just continues to draw in the dirt.

"So, what's up?" Rachel asks, looking up at me.

"Nothin'" I reply, brushing my wet hair out of my face, "just wanted to chat." I sit criss cross next to Rachel and face her, I put my hands into my lap and look at Rachel with a dumb expression on my face.

"Your such an idiot!" She says, playfully pushing me into Nico. He groans in annoyance as I get up and punch Rachel lightly.

"Why so grumpy?" Rachel asks Nico with a wide smile spread across her face.

"Hmph." He grunts in reply, gets up, and walks out of the woods. Rachel and I shrug and Rachel tends to face me."So... I got a prophecy last night, technically saying, like five demigods, find Hemes' lost.... something..."

"His lost what?" I ask

"That's for you to find out." Rachel grins, but it quickly fades, "we were thinking on sending Connor and Travis bu-"

I quickly cut her off, "ugh. No not them! Don't even get me started on this SON of a-"

"Calm down" Rachel past me on the shoulder soothingly, "Chiron says that you have to go, like, there's also something with Hades and what not but, yeah, you get the jist."

"Hmm..." I wonder, not really sure how to respond.

"You get to choose the other four." Rachel adds, and I chime in the one person I know I want going with me, "CARTER!" I yell, startling rachel, "ok!" She replies, "who else?"

"Hmm, maybe those three I saw on my way here, Rylee, Jess, and Meghan..." I say, kinda lost.

"Great choices, they are loyal, and great fighters." Rachel responds, nodding her head.

"Well, I should be going, I'm hungry for lunch!" I say cheerfully, making my way outta the woods.

A/n (again) sorry for the short chapter guys, hope you enjoyed it still!
Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram by gold baiiiiii!!!!!

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