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My eyes revealed the images around me, I must have been knocked out, because I don't remember being taken into a large arena with an even larger giant in it
I rubbed my head, I felt a large bump that sent piercing pain through my entire body if I even just merely touched it. My legs buckled as I shakily started to raise upward, I almost fell, but decided not to show weakness, which drives me to keep myself upward. The expression I showed was definitely not something you would wear at a surprise party, since this wasn't exactly the party of my taste.
"Where am I?!" I growled, a nasty snarl coming over my mouth,
"You, my girl, are in the Roman Coliceum!" an ominous disembodied voice echoed the room, and it felt as if there were no room for anything or anyone else. I recognized this voice, it was the voice of...
"That's right! Hermes, a.k.a, your FATHER!" my expression changed from a grumble to full out rage, my father!?!
"I thought you didn't like Hades!" I cried, almost literally in tears,
"Well, my daughter, after years and years of delivering down here, you learn to appreciate the unappreciated. That's all we are, unappreciated, by Zeus and all Gods! And you!" he yelled, making me hobble back a few steps.
"Dad! You know Nome of that's true! You know that!" I screeched, now uncontrollably sobbing, he had grown bitter, not at all what I was expecting... Yet again, I never expected to be here, fighting a giant, I never would have expected that my dad was actually a god, I didn't expect any of this, nor did I want it.
I wiped my tears and replaced all my stupid sadness with uncontainable anger. My face was a red mess, I brushed a curl of hair out of my eyes and flicked my wrist, my sword should have formed in my hand, but another thing I wasn't expecting, it didn't. Hermes let out a roar of laughter as I shakily searched all around the dirt floor of the arena for my ring.
I finally reached the feet of the large giant chained to the wall, and there, in between his legs glinted a small price of gold, uh, celestial bronze leaf circle that was either going to save my life, or end it.
My eyes wandered the top of the Coliceum to look for something helpful, but I only saw purple wisps of ghosts cheering, wanting to see a blood-bath. Not helpful.
One thing struck me while racking my brain for ideas to stall my dad with, this was the Roman Coliseum
Hermes is Greek.
"Hey! Shouldn't you be Roman or something?!" I yelled as questionably as I could muster, and Hermes looked around to the purple ghosts, they were Roman, why isn't he?
While he looked around the Coliseum, I rushed to the opposite end of the arena toward my ring, as I got within arms-reach of the giant, I just escaped his grasp by rolling underneath him, sure, I got a large scratch from his nearly yellow claw on my face, but it's nothing I can't fix.
I slipped on the shiney metal circle and flicked my wrist, the median sized sword's shaft appearing in my hand like it's supposed to.
As I ran out from the giant's legs, I got a chance to stick my sword into his lower stomach, and I barley escaped golden ichor pouring onto my head. The giant stumbled around as I ran away from his landing distance as he bumped his head and fell "asleep" on the ground.
As I enjoyed my triumph, walking to the now-opening exit, one thing haunted me, the dream I had before all of this started, the events all added up, the giant was the same, I had to fight him...
But the only thing I have to do now is find my friends before they get killed.

A/n Hey wassup!! I know I haven't updated in a while and left you on a "cliffhanger" I guess you could say... But no more my children! A new cliffhanger approaches! Will she find her friends, will she mysteriously die somehow.... NOBODY KNOWS!
whelp, gotta go... Bye!!
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