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My morning got off to a...wet start. Travis and Conner dumped a bucket of water balloons on my head the second I woke up.

"OH MY GODS!!! Are you kidding me right now?" I yell, infuriated.

"HAHAAA!!!" They both laugh in unison.

"YOU'LL NEVER OUTPRANK US!"  Travis yelled, eyeing me once again with interest.

"OH YEAH?!?" I scream, making everyone else in the cabin go silent, "well.... I CHALLENGE YOU TO A PRANK WAR!" My tone sounding way more confident then I felt.

"FINE!" Conner and Travis yelled, grinning insanely as if they expected this to happen. I grin even more insanely, almost murderous, and they back off.

I storm into the bathroom to get changed.

I put on:

·Camp t-shirt

·Jean shorts

·Ponytail (pull up my hair)

·My grey one-stars

I brush my teeth and hair then walk out of the bathroom. Conner and Travis glare at me on my way out of the cabin door.

I stomp off to the Big House to eat breakfast, I walk in and sit at my table. Chiron was waiting for me there.
Pleeeeaaaaassseee leave me alone! I think to myself, making a face as I sit down.

"Hello!" Chiron greets me with a smile, "good morning!"

"'Mornin." I grumble as back on and pancakes with syrup appear on my plate, along with some orange juice.

"I understand that was the meal you had before you left home?" Chiron asks, rolling up to me in his wheelchair form.

"Yeah." I look down at my plate.

"Are your siblings treating you ok?" He asks with a concerned expression on his face.

"Peachy." I glumly state sarcastically.

"That's great." Chiron says as he walks away. I finish my breakfast and start to walk toward the woods to come up with a prank.

On the way to the woods, I bump into one of the girls I saw at the campfire, no, all of the girls I saw at the campfire.

The one I bumped into was the one from the Apollo cabin. She waves to me and I exchange a weak smile.

"Hi!" She greets me, "I'm Meghan!" She gestures to the girl from Athena, "this is Rylee," she gestures to the girl from Zeus, "and this is Jess!"

"Hi Meghan, Rylee, and Jess," I answer, "I'm-"

"We know who you are." Jess cuts in, "I have heard all about you..."

"All?" I ask worridly.

Meghan answers, "naw!!! It's just Jess bein' creepy!" She reassures me and punches Jess lightly, Jess then punches Meghan back and they have a slapping fit.

Rylee slides over to me and puts her arm on my shoulder, "So,  your Khara, and we just were coming over to your cabin to see if there were any problems. And you can tell us any prob, we can help! We're your friends." She says, pushing up her glasses a bit.

"Everything's just dandy. Thank you for asking, BUUUT I am going to meet someone somewhere, solo." I added the word 'solo' to hint I wanted to go alone. I push past Rylee, walking toward Meghan and Jess. Their slapping fit is over (thank gods), as I walk past, Meghan grabs my shoulder, Hutu push it off. Jess and Meghan exchange worried looks with each other, knowing that everything wasn't just 'dandy'.

I continue walking to the woods until I am out of sight from the three, just as I am about to reach the woods, I get ambushed by water guns.

I wonder who.

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