Twenty Six

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Chapter 26

"DID HE DO something to you?" Domino asked.

I shook my head subtly. "No. Hindi niya ako nakita."

"What do you think are they planning?" he asked.

I bit my lower lip and shook my head again. I didn't know. I did not hear anything from Hashim or my grandma for months. My mother haven't contacted me since I started my job in ASDG. I also did not know if she was still in contact with the Verma family. And if she had any contact to them, then there was a possibility that she was aware about Hashim being in the country.

Domino moved beside me. He lifted my head a bit slid his one arm underneath, making it my pillow. I scooted over to him and buried my face on his chest. I could hear his heart beating in a steady pace. It kind of reminded me of the calm wave kissing the shore.

"I'm scared," I whispered, and I felt his arms circling around my body, shielding me.

"I'm here," he mumbled against the top of my head. "I won't leave you this time. I promise."

A promise. A vow that was made during the uncertainty of my freedom. Our freedom. It helped me eased up a bit, but my fear for my future still lingered inside me until I dozed off to sleep.


I avoided going to Kupid's Arrow, or to any bar places in the city for a while. I couldn't risk meeting Hashim face-to-face. It's been days, but the memory of seeing his face still bothered me like a broken fingernail. There wasn't any movement from my family. I did not receive a call or text from them. But instead of relaxing, it just made my worry worse.

What was it that they were planning to do? Why did they send Hashim here? If their intention was to force me back into the engagement, shouldn't he be knocking on my door the first moment he arrived?

But what if Hashim's arrival in the country didn't have something to do with the Vermas? What if it was only a genuine visit? A vacation, perhaps.

I was in front of the full-length mirror while checking my dress when the door opened behind me and revealed Domino. I smiled at him through the reflection and watched him whistled while closing the door. He leaned his back on the wall and crossed his arms above his chest. His lips tugged into a proud smirk.

"Can you twirl for me, Princess?"

I bit my lower lip and dipped my chin to hide my smile. I began twirling slowly, as if showing him every detail of my yellow silk dress was important. I braced his intense stare at me, surveying me from my braided curls, my rose-tinted cheeks, my exposed chest from the deep cut of my dress, to the dress itself. I stopped twirling when I finally faced him.

Domino was also in his casual attire. The sleeves of his white Ralph Laurel polo shirt was folded up to his elbows. His dark blue jeans hugged every fine muscles of his thighs and legs. A vintage watch in his left hand caught a light from the table lamp, winking at me.

I straightened my back like how I used to whenever he was nearing me. Whatever he wore—sando and pajamas, dress shirt and slacks, sweater and shorts—Domino always carry this kind of presence with himself. A kind of presence that could make everyone look at him, and peer their attentions to him. He wasn't a superstar or a king, but he carried himself like one.

"You're lovely," he said while staring at me. He never left my eyes as he strode toward me. "But I think this will make you lovelier."

I opened my mouth to ask, but he slid his hand inside of one of his pockets and brought out a small, black, velvet box. He opened the lid in front of my and my lips parted wider.

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