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[Washington DC, 2014]

Maia was limping away from the, now exploding, Triskelion, trying to keep her eyes open. She had been stabbed in the stomach and was rapidly bleeding out, she wasn't worried about death though, HYDRA had injected her with an invincibility serum and it seemed to do its job.

There was blood and dirt in her hair and underneath her fingernails. She was filthy but the thing is, Maia was used to being filthy, her home doesn't exactly get a five star review on TripAdvisor, so it didn't bother her much. Her mind was focused on three things.

1) don't pass out.
2) get back to the car.
3) don't get captured.

Just as she was about to step into the forest she heard someone approaching her from behind. She quickly whipped her foot around, effectively kicking her opponent in the head, she was only 12 therefore not that tall but the ballet classes Dreykov provided for her came in handy from time to time.

It took every fibre of her being not the scream out in pain, her sudden movements weren't helping the pain buried in her stomach. Blood had seeped through her combat vest ages ago, and was now trickling down her once army-green cargos.

The agent she had attacked was on the floor, passed out. Maia didn't take risks though, she pulled her knife out from her belt and lodged it into the agent's neck before retracting it and placing back in its original spot.

Just as she was about to walk away every went black. She vaguely felt her brains falling out of her head as her body collided with the floor but she wouldn't be certain until she woke up.


Sam Wilson had saved Maia, he had spotted her limp hand when he went to find Steve Rogers. So, Maia was currently unconscious as she laid in a hospital bed handcuffed to the railing, just as she was in the Red Room.

He didn't know why he saved her because he had no idea if she was on the bad side of the fight. When he found her, her stomach had healed and her head was healing at a rapid pace, so fast that by the time the paramedics arrived there was just a slight scar on part of her skull that was covered by hair. Luckily for Maia, Sam hadn't been looking at her head.

Trouble Man by Marvin Gaye was filling the room as Sam sat in between the two hospital beds wondering how he got himself in this situation. How is he friends with Captain America and waiting for a mystery girl to wake up?

"On your left." Steve said making Sam look over to him.

Sam smirked to himself before moving his gaze over to Maia. She had dried blood all over her face and her hair was matted. Sam got up and walked over to the sink, wetting some tissues before going back over to the 12 year old. He cleaned most of the blood off her face as Steve spoke up.

"Who's the girl?"

"I don't know yet."

Sam glanced over to Steve who, despite his bruised and swollen face, was furrowing his brows. "Then why are you cleaning blood off her face?" Steve questioned.

"She's only young, I don't want her waking up covered in blood." Sam explained, putting the wet paper towel in the bin.

"She could be HYDRA." The blonde reminded his friend.

"If she is...then she's never known anything different and that's not her fault." Sam responded as he sat back down on the chair he was previously on. "She deserves to know what a normal life is."

"I know my face is pretty swollen at this moment in time but I can see her knuckles are red and scabbed over. All I'm saying careful." Steve said and Sam nodded in response.

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