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TW: self harm

Maia laid down with her head on Skys lap as they watched The Simpson's Movie. "This feels like something Tony would accidentally do while drunk." Sky joked, talking about what was happening in the movie, making Maia laugh.

"I need a drink, do you want anything from the kitchen?" Maria asked them as she got up.

"Can I have a Capri-Sun please?" Maia replied, Maria nodded before going to the kitchen.

"A Capri-Sun?" Skylar judged with a smile on her face. "What are you? 5?"

"You better hope not otherwise you've fucked a child." Maia chuckled making Sky roll her eyes before giving the blonde a kiss.

"Elle...what's happening to me?" Sky panicked looking down at her leg that was literally flaking away into thin air.

"Maria!" Maia screamed as the sound of glass shattering echoed into the living room. "Sky, you're okay, im here, I love you."

Within seconds Skylar was gone and the only thing left in her wake was a silver heart locket necklace. Maia now had tears streaming down her face as she ran into the kitchen. There was a broken bottle of red wine on the floor along with a glass and a Capri-Sun on the counter...but no Maria.

"What?" Maia muttered as she spiralled into a panic attack.


23 days later and nobody had come looking for her, sure she had gotten tons of phone calls from Steve, Natasha and Rhodey but she didn't answer.

Maia spent her night curled up on her bedroom floor, Sky's necklace now around her neck, fighting off every bad thought that tried to enter her head.

They couldn't be gone.
They're not like Sam.
It's just some fucked up prank.
They are coming back soon.

Maia was pulled out of her thoughts when there was a knock at the door. She didn't move.

Nothing mattered now Sky wasn't around.

"Bell- Maiabelle?" Tony yelled from outside the house. "Are you here? Because if you are please open this door before I kick it in!"

She didn't move an inch when the door was kicked in and she didn't move when Tony appeared in her doorway. "Maia..."

"Why did they leave me?" She whispered, her voice hoarse from sobbing.

Tony didn't know how to respond, how could he tell her that this was happening to half the world? How could he tell her this happened to Sam?

"C'mon, get up. I'm not letting you mope around like a old woman who just buried her husband." Tony stated.

"I don't want to get up." Maia replied as Tony sat down next to her.

"I'm not leaving until you come with me, Maiabelle." Tony told her but he was met with silence and an 18 year old who still had no plans on getting up. "Okay...guess we're staying here."

The billionaire made himself comfortable on the floor and let Maia snuggle into his side. "When are they coming back?" She asked making Tony sigh.

"I don't know, kid."

He didn't have the heart to tell her that they might not be coming back and when Maia was upset she either started inconsolably sobbing or started attempting to claw your face off and Tony didn't want to risk his life by telling her that she might never see her girlfriend, motherly figure and ex-father figure again.


By some miracle, Tony managed to get Maia to the compound after a few hours so he and the remaining Avengers could figure out a plan of getting everyone back, Maia went straight up to her room and didn't say a word to anyone, until Tony ended up in the infirmary.

She sat on the floor with her back against the wall next to his hospital bed as everyone, and a new person, looked through the glass separating his room from the hallway.

"That his kid?" Carol asked.

"No, she's nobody's kid now." Steve sighed before Rhodey explained how Bruce gave Tony a sedative.

"Bella, how are you doing?" Pepper hesitantly asked.

"Fine." Maia lied as she played with Sky's necklace. Pepper knew that was a lie but picked up that Maia really didn't want to talk about it, so she dropped the subject. "Can you call me when he wakes up?"

"Sure." Pepper nodded before Maia left the infirmary and went to her bedroom.

Once the blonde was in her room she locked the door and grabbed a knife that was taped behind her bedside table before sitting on the edge of her bed and digging it into her wrist. A gasp escaped her mouth as blood trickled from the wound and tears from her eyes. Maia carved 7 more cuts into her wrist before she finally felt satisfied with herself and stopped mutilating her body.

Once her cuts had mostly stopped bleeding she put on a green long sleeved top and one of Sky's hoodies before climbing into her bed. She put her headphones on and blasted her sad Florence + The Machine playlist.

I/N short chapter but whatever, hope you cried :)

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