First Love/Late Spring

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TW: restrictive eating disorder, mention of dying, self harm (digging nails into skin), kinda flashback to abusive times.

Maia sat in front of a woman called Christina Raynor, she was a therapist that specialised in trauma or something, Maia wasn't really paying attention when Christina told her what her job was. All Maia knew was she wanted to leave, she wanted to go back to Sam's house and carry on reading.

"I'm going to ask you some questions." Christina told the blonde girl. "What's your name?"

"Maiabelle Andrea Pavlov." She answered, still glaring at the woman.

"When's your birthday?" Christina asked making Maia furrow her brows. "When were you born?"

"Sometime in 2002, I think." Maia said and Christina nodded.

It was clear to Maia that neither of them wanted to be there and in some way that made her want start sobbing. If someone who was getting paid to be around her didn't want to talk to her why would anyone else?

"Do you have an intention to hurt anyone?" She questioned.

"No." Maia honestly told her.

"Do you have any intention to hurt yourself?"

"No." That one was a slight lie, Maia would never consciously do something like that to herself but thinking about dying helped her fall asleep.

"Are you enhanced in any way?" Christina asked.

"I can move shit with my mind, I'm a super soldier and I can't die." Maia listed, Christina was clearly a little shocked but quickly moved her attention back to her notebook.

"Okay, then I think my jobs done here." Christina stated, closing her notebook and standing up, Maia also stood up. "Oh, a little pointer if you don't want to get severely bullied at school, don't stare so much."

Maia clenched her fists and continued glaring at the brunette woman as they left the room. Maia was taken to a different room.

There was a desk with a pot of pens, a laptop, a few notebooks and an entire wall covered in books. It was as if they were trying to make the room feel welcoming but it wasn't, Maia just wanted to leave.

"Okay...we've come to the agreement that you can continue to live with Mr Wilson, but you have to follow certain rules." The man said. "Your name is now Bella Wilson-" Maia cut him off.

"But my names not Bella."

"It's a safety thing, incase anybody comes looking for you. Maiabelle isn't exactly common." The man explained, clearly frustrated he had been interrupted by a 12 year old who was a threat to the entire country. "You have court mandated therapy every Tuesday and Thursday at 4pm with Doctor Christina Raynor."

"What about school?" Sam asked.

"The therapist will determine wether she's ready to become part of the American Education System." The man said before moving his gaze to Maia. "It is very important that you understand if you do anything illegal and if you hurt anyone, you will be sent away. And if you are in contact with anyone who knows you as Maiabelle Andrea Pavlov you are not only putting your life at risk but you are also putting everyone who you know at risk."

"Okay." Maia nodded, she understood why she had to do all these things but that didn't mean she liked it.


Maia sat in her room, reading 'Find Her' instead of processing the fact that she had to turn into a completely different person so she didn't get sent to a mental institution.

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