The Bomb

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I/N: I genuinely HATE this chapter because I feel like I'm awful at writing fight scenes which is ironic considering I'm writing a marvel book but whatever.

Within a matter of seconds, chaos erupted. A grenade was thrown through the window, Steve quickly covered it with his shield, gunshots were fired through the other window, James shielded himself with his mattress, a heavy banging sound appeared at the door, Maia used her powers to keep it shut.

Men crashed through each window, Bucky and Steve each took one on as Maia struggled to keep the door closed. "Bucky, stop!" Steve scolded after the brunette delivered a hard punch to one of the men. "You're gonna kill someone."

In one swift motion, James slammed Steve into the floor before muttering something to him, that was out of earshot to Maia, and ripping a bag out from underneath the floorboards.

James threw his bag onto a rooftop outside his balcony before another man appeared. Maia used her powers to snap the man's neck, earning a hard glare from Steve.

James made a beeline to the door and Maia let it open, Steve sent her another glare. The teenager stood behind Bucky as he took the agents out, waiting for him to clear their path. However, it turns out Steve wasn't very fond of her plan so he pushed her aside and assisted Bucky in not killing anybody.

"Suspect has-" One of the agents spoke into his walkie talkie but was cut off by Maia snapping his neck.

The teenager spotted the two soldiers four flights down so she quickly got onto the railing and jumped down to help them, as they were clearly struggling. James threw one of the agents over the railing but Steve caught him.

"Come on, man." He sighed.

"You two wanna have a quick catch up or actually help me?" Maia sarcastically questioned while slitting one of the agents throats.

While Steve was preoccupied, Bucky jumped down about 7 flights of stairs and Maia followed, she wasn't losing him for a second time. James ran and managed to land on the rooftop opposite.

"Ah, great." Maia chuckled slightly before getting onto the edge of the balcony, that Bucky jumped from, and also jumping.

"Maiabelle!" Sam scolded but she ignored him.

By the time she had recovered from the impact of the fall, James was already running away. Just as she was standing up a man in a black suit came out of nowhere and tackled Bucky to the ground.

"Who the fuck...?" Maia whispered before using her powers and flinging T'Challa off the rooftop. "You're welcome!"

"Thanks." James muttered before beginning to run again, Maia obviously chased him.

"Maia...who the hell was that?" Sam questioned over comms as Steve joined the chase.

"I don't know." She replied.

Suddenly, a helicopter showed up making Maia sigh as it started firing. She continued chasing Bucky as Sam took care of the helicopter.


Eventually, they all ended up on the ground, with another helicopter flying and shooting overhead, so James made the incredible decision to jump down onto a motorway.

"Maia, don't you dare-" Sam warned, he was ignored and Maia jumped down onto the motorway as well. "I swear to god im gonna fly you outta there."

"If you keep gibber-jabbering im gonna take the ear piece out and let a car run it over." Maia shot back as she and Steve began running after James again. "Sam, what are you actually doing? Why is this mystery man still on our ass."

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