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"Maria told me you gave a boy at school a concussion." Sharon, Maia's therapist, stated.

"He hit me first." The teenager replied, not wanting to have this conversation with someone else again.

"You don't have to fight violence with violence." She reminded Maia and she got an eye roll in response.

"So I was supposed to just stand there with a broken nose?" Maia sarcastically said, earning a sigh from Sharon. "Yeah, that's what I thought." An involuntary scoff escaped Maia's mouth. "And, I didn't even mean to hit him that hard." She lied, if anything she wished she hit Flash harder.

The rest of the session was spent with Maia colouring in Disney princesses while Sharon spoke to her about how violence is never the answer. Obviously, Maia wasn't actually listening but Sharon wasn't aware of that.

"See you next week." Maia said before walking out Sharon's office.

She spotted Sam and Steve in the car park and she rushed over to get in the car. "How was it?" Sam asked.

"Maria told her." Is all Maia said and the two men immediately knew what she was on about.

"You got suspended, I told Maria to tell her." Sam replied getting a glare in return. "Were you gonna pretend that you were gonna tell her?"

"Yeah?" Maia said in confusion. "That's exactly what I was gonna do but instead she spend 45 minutes telling me how violence is never the answer, which is complete bullshit by the way."

"No, she's right." Steve stepped in and the teenager scoffed.

"Really? How about on your next mission you just try and tell them to stop, instead of killing them." Maia stated sarcastically.

"That's different." Sam said.

"Really? How? He attacked me, so I fought back. Tell me what's so bad." She was met with silence, making her scoff again.


When the three got back to the compound, things were tense but nobody was telling Maia why, but she did find a book in the meeting room, it was titled 'Sokovia Accords'.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. what are the Sokovia Accords?" She asked the AI.

"The Sokovia Accords are a set of legal documents designed to control and regulate the activities of enhanced individuals, including members of government agencies or private organizations such as the Avengers. Established by the United Nations and ratified in 2016 by 117 countries, the Accords served as a legal response to international concerns over unsanctioned actions and consequences by enhanced individuals and members of the Avengers."

"Thank you." Maia muttered in disbelief.

"It's my pleasure, Miss Wilson." The AI responded.

"Bella what are you doing in here?" Steve questioned, suddenly appearing in the room.

"Nothing, I'm staying at Peters house tonight." Maia replied before rushing out the compound.


"Peter told me you punched Flash, well done Bella." Aunt May told Maia as the blonde helped her wash the dishes.

"Thank you." She replied, a genuine smile spreading across her face. "You're the first person to say that."

"What did Sam say?" Aunt May questioned.

"That I did the wrong thing." Maia vaguely answered.

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