Haunted House

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TW: mention of self harm

For the past few days Maia had watched Sam and Steve, they were happy. Sam was less tense, he smiled more often, he was more relaxed in general and Maia didn't know how to feel.

Sure, Steve was a good-ish guy but Maia still hated him. She feared that Steve would take Sam away from her, and maybe she could give Sam a little more respect but if she did that then she would be too close. She always ends up destroying the people that are close to her.

She was currently at the library reading a book called 'The Girls I've Been' and in some way it kinda reminded her of herself. She could feel eyes on her she she looked up to see two boys, around her age, staring at her. Once they saw her looking back at them, they immediately looked away.

Maia's mind immediately went to worst case scenario.

Run. What the fuck are you still sitting there for? You haven't spent just over a month living with Sam to get taken back to HYDRA.

As her mind raced with countless thoughts, she couldn't shake off one particular idea that seemed to stick with her. She pondered on it and as the seconds turned into minutes, the idea tormented her mind.


So, she grabbed her stuff, made sure she had everything she brought with her for the day, and took a deep breath before leaving the peaceful library and walking out into the busy street, making her way back to Sam's house.


"So, Bella, how was your day?" Steve asked, leaning against her door frame.

"What do you want?" She replied, not wanting to be near him.

"To know you, to know Maiabelle." He answered making her glare at him.


"Why don't you like me?"

"Why would I tell you that?" Maia rhetorically questioned. "So you can hide those things from me and claw your way into my shattered heart?"

"No," He denied while chuckling slightly. "because I think deep down you're a good person who had to do bad things to survive. I think you deserve to have the chance to be good."

Maia dug her nails into her palm, hard. As she sat there, trying to keep her composure, memories from her past flooded her mind. Memories of her childhood, her parents screams as they got slaughtered in front of her, her friends cry's for help as she smashed bricks against their skulls. In that moment, she wished she could just escape from her thoughts and find a slither of peace. But she knew that wouldn't be pleasant.

Maia thrived on chaos, even if she didn't want to admit it, it was all she had ever known. So the fact she didn't have to fight anymore, she didn't have to be a killing machine anymore, scared her. Who was she without killing? Who was she with out people controlling her?

The thing about not being 'made' into a person during your infancy was that if by some miracle you get away from the abuse, you're still tortured by the memories. Just because the problem is gone, doesn't mean your problems are gone.

You're left with nothing but ashes of the person you should've become, and in Maia's scenario recovering those ashes and un-burning them was something that she wasn't capable of.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Maia told the man who nodded in response.

"You're angry, I get that. I want to help." He stated making Maia scoff.

"And how exactly do you plan on helping?"

"You'll see tomorrow." Is all he said before leaving Maia sitting on her bedroom floor.

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