True Blue

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[Upstate New York, 2017]

Maia was kicked out of school after the principal found out about the incident in Bucharest and was now living with Maria. It was alright, Friday was designated movie night and Maria was a good cook so it wasn't awful.

Natasha kept in contact with Maia, even though she's on the run. Maia did tell Maria about it but she was pissed at Natasha for leaving her, she didn't mind Maia talking to her but didn't want anything to do with it.

Complete radio silence from everyone else, even Peter and Bed, but Tony who phoned Maia once a week. She thought it was sweet, he didn't have to even acknowledge her existence but he did and he deserved respect for that.

It was the middle of the day and Maria was at work, Maia was busy reading while twirling a knife around her fingers when there was a knock on the door.

Maia assumed nothing of it and opened the door. She didn't expect to be met with the 19 year old Romanova who she thought was dead.

"Что..." (What...) Maia muttered in disbelief as her eyes filled with tears. "How are you here?"

"My aunt killed him, for real this time." Skylar explained with a smile on her face. "Can I come in?"

"Shit, yeah, of course." Maia replied, stepping aside so the redhead could come in.

Once the door was closed Skylar immediately hugged Maia and Maia hugged her back. They stayed like that for at least 10 minutes before Skylar pulled away and focused her gaze onto Maia's green eyes, Maia focused on Skylar's brown eyes.

"I love you, Maiabelle." Skylar admitted, a British accent coating her words that Maia hadn't noticed before and nothing but worry painted on her face.

"I love you too, Skylar." Maia smirked, giving the redheads hip a slight squeeze before receiving a kiss.

"Oh, and is that your R1 in the driveway?" Skylar asked, Maia laughed slightly.

"Yeah." She answered making a grin spread across Skylar's face. "You wanna ride it, don't you."

"Yeah." Skylar giggled.

"If you crash it, you're paying for it." Maia warned before dragging Skylar upstairs. She dug through her closet, trying to find her old riding trousers as Skylar was shorter than her and wouldn't fit into her current ones. "Here, they should fit."

"Thanks." Skylar replied before pulling her jeans down. Maia hadn't realised she was staring until the redhead laughed. "My eyes are up here, love."

"Shut up." Maia rolled her eyes, before moving her gaze to the floor.

"I was joking, you can stare all you want." Skylar flirted while pulling the riding trousers up.

"Stop it." Maia said, hiding her face out of embarrassment as she was a blushing mess. "Let's go, I think I have a helmet that will fit you."


Skylar drove them through the McDonald's drive through to get milkshakes before parking in the car park, Maia got vanilla and Sky got chocolate.

"What's Maria like?" Skylar asked as Maia took a sip of her vanilla milkshake. "My mom said she's nice but you're more honest than her.

"She is nice." Maia chuckled as she stepped in between Sky's legs, the redhead was sitting sideways on the bike. "Do you wanna meet her?"

"That's not important, what's important is if she wants to meet me." Skylar sighed while resting her head on Maia's chest.

"She does want to meet you." Maia assured her.

"How do you know that?"

"One time she accidentally walked in on me getting changed and she saw a scar on my thigh, I'll show you later because it's pretty high up but Nat had told her about you and she put two and two together." Maia vaguely explained but Sky nodded anyway. "I'm 99% certain she will love you."

A comfortable silence settled over the pair as they finished their milkshakes.

"You have a moustache." Sky giggled before wiping the milkshake of Maia's upper lip. "Wait, shouldn't you be at school or something?"

"I got kicked out." Maia explained. "You know the Winter Soldier?" Sky nodded. "He's currently on a rehabilitation program in Wakanda."

"No shit?" Sky chuckled.

"No shit." Maia replied before her phone started ringing, it was Maria. "Hey."

"Where are you?" Maria asked.

"McDonald's car park, why?" Maia questioned while looking around because Maria never asked where she was, only when she was coming home.

"2 o'clock." Maria chuckled making the blonde look to her 2 o'clock, Maria was standing there with Nick. "Who's the girl?"

"Uh..." Maia panicked slightly because she didn't know if Sky wanted Maria to know of her presence yet, her question was quickly answered when Sky shook her head. "a sugar mommy."

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, I could just come over there and find out." Maria suggested as the two teenagers put their helmets on and got on the bike, Maia driving this time.

"Well...if you're really that desperate to find out...catch me if you can." Maia joked before speeding off in the opposite direction to Maria.


"How'd you afford the bike?" Sky asked as Maia wrapped her legs around the redheads waist, they were sitting by a lake located in Upstate New York.

"I got $5,000,000 from the government when I was 15, I saved some of it for the bike." Maia answered before laughing slightly. "Maria hates it, she doesn't trust me enough but there's nothing she can do to stop me from riding so I don't care."

"Sky, I'm sorry." Maia blurted out.

"For what?" She questioned.

"Not being there, not looking for you, for everything." Maia said, tears sitting on her waterline. "I thought you were dead and I'm sorry for not looking, I should've. You should hate me and I've been trying to figure out why you don't all day, so please tell me why you-"

"Why would I be mad at you?" Sky questioned as she cupped Maia's cheek. "For getting out?"

Sky was met with silence but by the look on Maia's face that's what her girlfriend was talking about. "I'm not mad one bit because neither of us should've been there in the first place, you didn't leave me, you left the Red Room. And what's important is that we're both sitting here, together, now."

Tears escaped Maia's eyes and she let out a chuckle because she was embarrassed. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm crying."

"You don't have to say that." Sky assured her. "You can cry."

"Thank you." Maia whispered before resting her head on letting tears stream down her face. "I love you."

"I love you too." Sky replied.

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