Black Friday

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I/N I must warn you, this is not proof read so there is probably a few misspellings and bad grammar

They arrived at the funeral, John agreed to let Sam have ten minutes alone with Karli and by the looks of things, it was actually going okay until John went against the plan and interrupted Sam and Karli's chat.

John was harshly thrown against a table, which made Maia smile, Karli ran and Bucky and Maia chased her but ended up losing her.

Meanwhile, Zemo had managed to shoot Karli in the stomach and find the serum. "Is this what I think it is?" He asked while picking a blue vial up off the ground.

"No, no!" Karli panicked before Zemo threw the vial on the floor and crushed the others under his foot.

During this time, Karli managed to get away and John snuck up behind Zemo before making Steve's shield ricochet off the Sokovian's head. Zemo fell unconscious as John looked to the floor and spotted a vial Zemo hadn't had the chance to destroy.

A fire was lit within John Walkers stomach. A burning desire was fuelled by the thought he could become something great, something rememberable. He crouched down and got the vial in his grasp. The fire grew in the man's stomach, his dream was literally in the palm of his hand. He slid the vial into his pocket.

It was everything he'd ever wanted.

Suddenly Bucky, Sam, Maia and Hopkins rushed into the room. "What did we miss?" Sam questioned with a slight shrug, confused by the look on Johns face.

The blonde quickly looked over to Hopkins making his partners eyes widen. Maia could tell the 'new Captain America' was up to something but she didn't know what yet.


Zemo, Sam, Bucky and Maia were now back at Zemo's house. Sam was on a computer, Zemo was laying on his sofa with a glass of whiskey on his chest and a wet flannel over his eyes, Maia and Bucky were in the guest room.

"We're you ever offered it?" Zemo broke the silence, clearly talking to Sam.

"What?" Sam asked.

"The serum."

"No." Sam quickly responded before moving his gaze back to his laptop.

"If you had been, hypothetically, that is, would you have taken it?" Zemo questioned.

"No." Sam firmly stated.

"No hesitation. That's impressive." Zemo shot back with a smile on his face before removing the flannel from his eyes. "Sam, you can't hold out hope for Karli. Just because you saved Maiabelle doesn't mean you can save Karli, they are two different people."

Meanwhile, in the guest bedroom Bucky was watching Maia play Tetris on his phone, the phone he didn't even really know how to use.

"I know you're awake." Maia whispered, not looking at James as she was too focused on her game. "I think Sam wants to save Karli because he saved me but when he was in the army he couldn't save his friends. I don't know if that makes sense but you're smart, you know what I mean."

"How long have you been awake?" Bucky asked, wondering what level of insanity Maia had reached to be thinking about the wellbeing of somebody else.

"39 hours and 17 minutes, but it's okay because I've had about five Red Bulls." Maia answered. "But I think John did something. Did you see the way him and Hopkins looked at each other?"

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