The Grudge

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Maia was sat in a holding cell as her mind wandered through what Tony, Natasha, Steve, Maria and Sky would say if they found out she was in a police station after punching a cop.

She imagined Tony would laugh slightly before going into 'Papa Stark' mode and scolding her, Natasha would say she wouldn't approve but deep down she was proud of her for standing up for someone else, Steve would be concerned and try get her to start seeing a therapist again, Maria would ask if it was for a good reason and if it was she would say she was proud then take Maia out for a celebratory dinner and Sky would say she wished she was there to record it.

Maia was pulled out of her thoughts when the cell door was unlocked. "It's your lucky day." The officer scoffed as he walked Maia to the waiting area, none of the cops were particularly fond of her considering the reason she was in the station.

"Maiabelle, lovely to see you again." Christina Raynor greeted making Maia's face harden as she glanced over to James.

"That's your therapist?" She asked in complete disgust.

"Ah, your still so friendly." Raynor joked. "Out of the kindness of my heart, I released you. The least you could do is give me a smile."

Maia continued to glare at the woman and she sighed before turning to face Bucky. "James, condition of yours and Maia release, session now. You too, Sam." The dark haired woman stated.

"What? You don't have any control over me whatsoever." Maia scoffed, defensively crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's okay. I'll be out here with-" Sam was cut off.

"That wasn't a question." Raynor said as she and Bucky walked over to an interrogation room.

"I'm not doing it if your not doing it." Sam told Maia.

"I'm too tired to argue with an old woman who thinks she's better than everyone else." Maia sighed as her and Sam began following Bucky.


Maia had refused to sit down so she was leaning against the wall, trying to make it look like she wasn't exhausted.

"So..." Raynor trailed off slightly as she opened her notebook. "Who would like to start?"

"Alright, look, Dr Raynor." Sam said. "I get it why you want me to talk to Freaky Magoo over here." Bucky looked down at the nickname, clearly a little upset.

"And that one." Raynor nodded towards Maia.

"Yes, her too. But I'm 100% fine." Sam finished his sentence.

"It is my job to make sure that you're okay." Raynor told Bucky, she even glanced over to Maia. "And so, yeah, this may be slightly unprofessional, but it's the only way that I can see if you're getting over whatever's eating at you."

"This is ridiculous." Maia sighed.

"I agree." Bucky said.

"Me too." Sam agreed.

"See? Making progress already." Raynor smirked. "So, who wants to go first?" She was met with silence. "No volunteers? Wow. How surprising."

"Okay. You two are going to do an exercise. It's something I use with couples when they are trying to figure out what kind of life they wanna build together." Raynor explained to Sam and Bucky. "Are you familiar with the miracle question?"

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