let's go (battle)

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Maia walked out the interrogation room, tears still streaming down her face and went to the bathroom before fishing her phone out her pocket. She messaged Bucky asked him to come to the women's bathroom and not even a minute later he was giving her a hug.

"I miss her so much." Maia cried onto Bucky's shoulder. "I wish I stayed."

"There was no way you could've known, Maia. It wasn't your fault." Bucky told her while running a hand up and down the woman's back.

"Natasha's never gonna forgive me." Maia sobbed, gripping onto Bucky's jacket so tight he thought she was gonna rip it.

"That doesn't matter, Maia." Bucky stated. "What matters is you need to forgive yourself."

"It matters to me." Maia muttered as her tears began to dry up slightly.

"It shouldn't." Bucky replied.

"Does he hate me?" Maia asked, knowing Bucky would know who she was talking about.

"No," Bucky assured her. "he just doesn't know you anymore and he hates himself for it."


The trio were now outside the police station, drowning in tension. "Well, I feel better." Sam said sarcastically.

"I feel awful." Bucky replied, not being sarcastic.

"I feel like I wanna slit my wrists and bleed out in a bathtub." Maia halfheartedly joked, Bucky put his arm around her shoulders while Sam just looked worried.

Suddenly some police sirens went off making them all look over to the source of the noise, John and his partner were standing there. Maia's expression hardened as they walked over to the two men. "Good to see you again." John smiled. "Look, if we divide ourselves, we don't stand a chance-"

"You're wrong." Maia stated, John furrowed his brows. "We stand a chance, you don't."

"Shut up." Sam snapped making Maia scoff.

"I am here to help you so if you don't need me here, I'll go." Maia told him.

"That's not what I said." Sam sighed.

"You didn't fucking have too." She shot back. Maia dug her nails into the palm of her hand, why couldn't she just forgive him? Before Sam got the chance to respond, Maias phone starting ringing, it was Maria.

Maia walked away from the four men and answered. "Maiabelle, listen to me very carefully," Maria greeted making Maia furrow her brows. "if you don't tell me why you were arrested in the next millisecond I'm going to beat your ass."

"I punched a racist cop."

"I'm so proud of you, honey." Maria said, Maia could hear the smile in her voice. "Where are you?"

"Maryland." Maia answered.

"With Sky?" Maria asked making Maia's eyes fill with tears.

"Uh, no...im with Jamie and Sam." Maia's voice broke slightly. "I've got to go, love you, bye."

Maia quickly hung up and composed herself. She couldn't keep crying over something that happened in the past.

"Maia!" Bucky called her over, she took a deep breath before walking over to him, he gave her a look saying 'don't worry, we don't have to spend any more time with Walker, we're leaving.'

"A word of advice then," John said making all three of them turn around to face him. "Stay the hell out of my way."

"We don't exactly want to be around you so that won't be a problem unless you make it a problem." Maia replied with a smile on her face that sent shivers down Johns spine, it wasn't a sweet, happy smile, it was a sickening, murderous smile.

I/N I know that this is an unbelievably short chapter and I'm so, so sorry. Basically, I have to get an mri scan on Friday and I'm STRESSING about it but I hopefully the next chapter will be longer. (sorry again)

Love you all, bye!!

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